Tuesday, 7 December 2021
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Tuesday, 5 October 2021
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Sunday, 3 October 2021
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Tuesday, 27 July 2021
ASN: Otis Teaching Tips: Reflective Writing
#Communicationskills, https://paul.
Training, MODULAR COURSE 27/07/2021
for the voluntary sector.
Social Behaviour.
Approach to learning.
Skills, Verbal and Non-Verbal.
Skills. Mind Maps, READING, Witting Essays.
Learning. Skill Development.
Otis Teaching Tips: Reflective Writing
1. Reflection of Voluntary Role.
you can look into Voluntary opportunities in your area.
2. Different Approaches
which Different approaches are used in your helping environment.
a list of Bullet Points to highlight the Different Approaches.
alongside professionals.
in a group.
would you make the best Use of Assertive behavior to negotiate?
as required and present your findings in an ESSAY of 400 words.
Make decisions and problem-solve.
Make an Appreciation of the work content
a work program showing the estimated time of completion of each completed task.
REFLECTION: Explain how you have dealt with
and will Deal with aggression, in the future.
Communication at meetings. Reflect on a
meeting you have attended in the past
Produce an Agender to show how you would conduct
a similar meeting in the future.
Effective presentations. **
one of the above Topics and, prepare a PowerPoint Presentation.
Present the other Topic as a flip Cart presentation. present the key
information numbered,
by Bullet points.
Written Assignment***
on interpersonal skills used and, developed.
"Communicating Better."
(Adapted from Thompson. 2002. pp.3-10)
N. (2002), People Skills, (2nd Edition), Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.
1: Management.
planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.
Four Functions of Managers
involves far more than just telling others what to do. Before any of you
decide that you think you can do your boss's job, let's take a look into more
of what a manager does.
major functions that a manager completes can be categorized into four different
functions known as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. For some of
us, we only see the final two - leading and controlling - but you should know
that for every managerial behavior you do see, there is an equal amount that
you do not. Behind the manager's closed door, he or she spends a good deal of
his or her time planning and organizing, so that he or she can effectively
carry out the functions of leading and controlling.
spend a good deal of time planning, leading, controlling and organizing.
before you think your boss is different, you should also know that the four
functions of management are standard across industries, whether that be in a
manufacturing plant, a home office, a grocery store, a retail store, a
restaurant, a hotel, or even an amusement park. Effective managers understand
how planning, organizing, lead-ing, and controlling are used to achieve
organizational success. Un-fortunately, I do not have a rebuttal for those of
you who have ineffective managers, but perhaps learning a little more about
the four functions of management will help to identify what steps your ineffective manager needs to take to become an effective one.
to think about the four functions as a process where each step builds on the
others. Managers must first plan, then organize according to that plan, lead
others to work towards the plan, and finally evaluate the effectiveness of the
plan. These four functions must be performed properly and, when done well, become
the reason for organizational success.
first of the managerial functions is planning. In this step, the manager will
create a detailed action plan aimed at some organiza-tional goal.
example, let's say Melissa the marketing manager has a goal of increasing sales
during the month of February. Melissa needs to first spend time mapping out the
necessary steps she and her team of sales representatives must take so that
they can increase sales numbers. These steps might include things like increasing
advertisements in a particular region, placing some items on sale, increasing
the amount of required customer-to-sales rep contact, or contacting prior
cus-tomers to see if they are interested in purchasing additional prod-ucts.
The steps are then organized into a logical pattern so that Melissa and her
team can follow them.
is an ongoing step, and can be highly specialized based on organizational
goals, division goals, departmental goals, and team goals. It is up to the
manager to recognize which goals need to be planned within his or her
individual area.
second of the managerial functions is organizing. This step re-quires Melissa
to determine how she will distribute resources and or-ganize her employees
according to the plan. Melissa will need to identify different roles and ensure
that she assigns the right amount of employees to carry out her plan. She will
also need to delegate authority, assign work, and provide direction so that her
team of sales representatives can work towards higher sales numbers without
having barriers in their way.
& Controlling
third function of management is leading. In this step, Melissa spends time
connecting with her employees on an interpersonal level. This goes beyond
simply managing tasks; rather, it involves communi-cating, motivating,
inspiring, and encouraging employees towards a higher level of productivity.
Not all managers are leaders. An em-ployee will follow the directions of a
manager because they have to, but an employee will voluntarily follow the
directions of a leader because they believe in who he or she is as a person,
what he or she stands for, and for the manner in which they are inspired by
others. One may walk over the highest mountain one step at a time.
2: Mentoring: Coaching one or more people
Leading and assisting others by example
Conveying ideas effectively through verbal and non-verbal means
Solving: Resolving personal, group, and business conflict
Coming to an agreement with others when opinions differ
Understanding individuals in the workspace
Working together with various people to achieve a single goal
⦠The client brief.
⦠Writing copy step by step.
⦠How to Write A Perfect,
Selling Ad.
⦠Day One Exercises.
One: Getting Started
Day One Objectives
Day One, you'll learn about the client brief, and will develop your own
briefing sheet. You'll also learn a nifty technique to help you write copy
anywhere, anytime.
⦠The client brief.
⦠Writing copy step by step.
⦠How to Write A Perfect,
Selling Ad.
⦠Day One Exercises.
brief, and your Writing Services Agreement
copywriting, you don̢۪t need to do it all yourself. In fact, you can't. Your
copy is based on whatever you're trying to sell. This is a huge plus, because
the product always gives you somewhere to start writing. And the more you know
about the product, the better. Your client hands you the product, or tells you
about it, or explains the service, or gives you a guided tour of the factory,
and tells you what he wants: a sales letter, a brochure or a news release. This
is "the brief", your instructions.
he's explained the brief, the most important question to ask your client is:
"What do you want the reader to do after he reads this?" (Or the
viewer or listener to do, if you're writing broadcast copy or for a Web site.)
You're asking what the customer's response should be. Getting the customer's
response is your goal. The re-sponse
could be: to call a phone number, to attend a sale, or to or-der from the
down the customers' required response. While I'm working on a job, I like to
stick a reminder note onto my computer monitor: "Call client number",
for example, or "order product". When you get into the excitement of
writing the copy, your thoughts can get tangled. It's easy to forget the
response. Writing the required response down, and keeping it visible, means
that it's always at the forefront of your mind.
briefing sheet
you've been hired by an agency, you'll be given a brief. If you're hired by a
business unused to working with copywriters, you'll need to fill out your own
briefing sheet. The sample briefing sheet below contains information that's
useful to have. Tailor it to your own re-quirements. Computer-format your
briefing sheet with adequate spacing so it's easy to fill in, then print out
some copies and keep them by the phone.
of product or service:
name of the product or service:
other names?
short description:
three major points do you want to make?
the primary reason the customer would be interested in this product or service?
technical description (or ask for the manufacturer's specifica-tion):
(colors, material etc):
for, and how?
over competing products:
response required:
Are there any disclaimers, or legal requirements which need to be mentioned in the
Writing Services Agreement
brief. Yes, it's in caps, and I'm shouting, and the reason is this: all the
hassles you're likely to encounter during your copywriting career can be
countered with an effective agreement, signed by the client BEFORE you start
work. Whenever I accept a brief and omit this vital step, something goes
wrong. So do it. Al-ways. No exceptions.
you're working as a sub-contractor with an agency, whether the agency is for
advertising, Public Relations, or multimedia services, the agency will usually
have its own agreement that you'll be asked to sign. Most agency agreements are
straightforward. Sometimes they're not. Strike out anything in the agency
agreement you don't agree with, initial your strikeouts, sign the agreement and
send it back.
the Writing Services Agreement I use. It's not fancy, but it does the job. Feel
free to use it, or parts of it, to create your own agreement.
for Writing Services
due on completion:
signature below authorizes me to write copy for the project above, for the fee
stated. (You can return the agreement via postal mail, fax, or e-mail.)
revisions are included if requested within five days of your re-ceipt of copy,
and are not based on a change in the assignment brief made after copy is
submitted. Balance of payment is due on receipt of the invoice.
understand that the assignment is work done for hire, which gives you the
copyright. You release me from any responsibility for legal or regulatory
problems that may arise from the use of any copy I write for you.
Direct Deposit
The copywriter's formula: AIDA
this. I don't know who to credit for this copywriting formu-la, but AIDA
(Attract, Interest, Desire, Action) is a handy copy checklist. All the copy you
write should include these elements.
= get the reader's attention.
= keep his attention.
= evoke emotion.
= get a response.
Writing copy step by step.
The more copy you write for clients each day, the more money you make. Therefore, you need a method to get copy written fast, without dithering and wasting time wondering what to do next. The following method works. I recommend that you use it on every job. More play than work, it is fun and stress-free. Try it.
One: Research
you have been briefed by the client, your first step is research. Even if
you're sure that you have all the information you need, doing a bit of hunting
and gathering for more information lets your subconscious mind brood on the
task before you start writing.
aim when I research is always to get what I call "the Click". The
Click is part concept, part inspiration, part structure, and part my
subconscious mind waving at me and yelling: "Yoohoo! We're ready, you can
get started."
Your research period may be only a few minutes. When I was asked to do a fast
rewrite job on five 30-second radio spots for a jewelry store, out of the two
hours I had, I spent half an hour on research. Although I'd worked for the
client previously, and knew what he was selling, I wanted to get a new angle, a
unique fact – something different that I could base the copy around. I found
it. I learned that gold is eternal: it's older than our solar system. That
nugget of info inspired me, and let me breeze through writing the five spots.
I'd been prepared to "waste" time on the research, I would have had a
much harder time writing the copy, and the copy wouldn't have had any creative
Two: Prepare by getting a conversation down on paper or on the computer screen
biggest stumbling block for a writer is the blank page or comput-er screen.
Writers get performance anxiety just like actors get stage fright. Luckily,
that block is easy to conquer when you're writing copy.
is conversational. If you're used to writing novels or non-fiction, this can be
hard to achieve at first. Good copy is simply communication, rather than
literary elegance, and you don't have to agonize over grammar. If you're
getting your client's message across, you're writing good copy.
a handy trick to get words on the page. When you start writ-ing, imagine you're
talking to someone, telling her about the prod-uct. It helps to type something
like: "Jeannie, I just found this great new thing, let me tell you about
it…" Then describe the prod-uct.
if you're writing longer copy, longer than a typical page of 250 words, talk
into a tape recorder, and pretend to tell someone about the product, then
transcribe the tape. Either of these techniques will stop you using a stiff and
formal voice. You'll be using an in-formal conversational style and tone, which
is appropriate for copy.
also notice you've conquered the blank page.
Three: Brainstorm with word associations
got a page of conversation. Print it out if it's on the com-puter. Without
thinking about it too much, circle any words which ap-peal to you. Circle five
words. At this stage, you're nowhere near writing the final copy. You're making
creative connections. This method of brainstorming uses your right and left
with the first word, write down 20 word associations you come up with. You can
use a cluster diagram, or just make a list.
key to getting results with this method is lack of effort on your part. Just do
the process mechanically, and write down the first words which pop into
your mind.
you've done this, go and do something else for a while. Have a cup of coffee,
or take the dog for a walk. Sometimes you'll get a rush job, and you won̢۪t be
able to take much time away, but no mat-ter how rushed you are, take at least
ten minutes.
Four: First draft: write it fast
you sit down at your desk, write a first draft as quickly as you can. Don̢۪t
refer to any of the word lists you made. Be casual, be confident, and get those
words down.
first draft is your first take on the job. This gives you some-thing to work
with, and you can tweak it until you're satisfied.
you become more experienced, your first draft comes close to being your final
draft. I usually send my second draft to the client as the "Initial
Draft". I offer two free revisions of this draft in my writ-ing agreement.
I've found that if I'm working for the client direct-ly, then either the client
accepts my Initial Draft, and says "Great! Just what I want", or I do
one minor revision. When working with an agency, I rarely get asked to do
feeling is that because I've done a lot of preparation (research, getting a
conversation down, and brainstorming), I'm pretty much on target when I send
the Initial Draft. Therefore, the preparation work you do is important. Don̢۪t
try to jump into a final draft that you intend to send to the client when you
sit down at the computer. You'll freeze
up. Having a process that you work through leaves plenty of room for
discovery ---and all writing is discovery --- and creativity, and this shows in
the final results. Even if you don̢۪t use any of the material you created in
your preparation in the final draft, the preparation process loosens you up and
helps you to write creative copy day after day, because you're not working ---
you're playing, and your subconscious mind loves to play.
How To: Five Easy Tips To Write A Perfect, Selling Ad
Each chapter contains Copywriter's How-Tos, copywriting reference articles.)
perfect, selling ad? I lied. There's no such animal as the perfect,
works-every-time, selling ad. But I got you to read this far, did-n̢۪t I? That
was the title's purpose --- see Tip Two: Write an at-tention-grabbing headline.
didn't lie about these tips, though. They're easy and fun to use.
One: who's the reader? (Or viewer, or listener if you're writing for
you're writing for a crowd, it's easiest to write if you im-agine you're
talking to one particular person.
can even start writing your first draft with a salutation, as if you were
writing a letter: Start with "Dear Elli", and keep writing.
is this person? Is she old, young, married? Where does she live? What's her
life like? What does she want most? What's she scared of? Why would she be
interested in your product? What difference would it make in her life?
copywriters spend a lot of time in this phase of the writing process. You can't
motivate someone if you don̢۪t know who they are.
Two: Write an attention-grabbing headline
headline is vital. No one is looking for your ad. You've got to wave and yell
at them to get their attention. If you don̢۪t get their attention, no sale.
a trial headline to get yourself started. This probably won̢۪t be the headline
you'll use. However, with a trial headline, you've got a corral for your copy.
You're writing to that headline.
you've written a draft of the ad, force yourself, with a timer, to write
another twenty headlines in five minutes. (Read the rest of the tips and write
the benefits and the response before you write a draft.)
try too hard. Who cares if they're all junk? You're writing lots of headlines
to get your subconscious mind to take you serious-ly, and throw up the PERFECT
headline. You'll never achieve this per-fect headline with conscious thought.
It's a gift from your subcon-scious, but you have to goose it into cooperating.
may find a headline you like more than your initial headline. Just substitute
it, if it fits. If it doesn̢۪t you can write another version of the ad to fit
that headline's concept.
Three: Write the features first, then work out what the benefits are
buys a product (or a service) for its own sake. They buy because it benefits
them in some way. The benefits are what you're selling.
⦠You're not selling a German
Shepherd puppy, you're selling an intelligent, loyal companion and family protector.
⦠You're not selling a car,
you're selling traveling comfort, prestige, and a sure-fire babe-magnet.
⦠You're not selling a book,
you're selling the adventure of a lifetime, love, romance, and sex.
get a handle on this, take a sheet of paper and briefly list the features of
your product or service on the left.
besides the feature, write the corresponding benefit that each feature provides.
--- use the benefits in your ad.
Four: Dont forget the response!
lost count of the number of ads I've seen everywhere from the Yellow Pages to
full display ads costing thousands in magazines, where the copywriter and
everyone else forgot the response.
must tell the reader what you want him to do. You must ask for the sale. Ask the
reader to do something: call a number, come into the store, go to a Web site.
is so important that when I'm writing an ad I always write the required
response on a sticky note and tape it to a corner of my monitor. I tape it
onto the screen itself, so I can't miss it. (Yes, I have been guilty of
forgetting the response. And very embarrassing it was too.)
Five: Read it out loud
finished the final draft of your ad. Before you show it to an-yone else, read
it aloud.
pick up redundancies, awkward sentence construction and other nasties when you
read the copy aloud.
One Exercises
One: Write a brief
this exercise, you will put yourself in the client's shoes. You're a furniture
manufacturer. Your business is expanding. You're insert-ing a quarter page
display ad in your local Yellow Pages. You pick up the phone and call a local
copywriter. (You know her because she called you and left her contact details.)
What instructions do you give the copywriter? Write 100 words of the
manufacturer's instruc-tions to the copywriter.
Two: Getting (conversational) words on paper: Tell me about your favourite pen
pen manufacturer has hired you to write copy for a newspaper dis-play ad. Pick
your favorite pen, and do some research on pens. Next, in 150 words, tell me
about the pen. Start with "Angela, let me tell you about this pen…"
Remember, that you're talking, not writing. Write as you'd speak. Also remember
that this is not copy, this is just you, telling a friend about your pen.
Three: Write ad headlines from the brief you created
Exercise One, you wrote a brief. Now write 30 headlines you could use for the
ad which you'll write from the brief. Remember, this is a quarter page ad for
the Yellow Pages. Read the Yellow Pages, and check out some of the ads before
you start.
you're writing copy for clients, it's good practice to write at least 20 to 50
headlines (some master copywriters write 150 head-lines), before they set to
work on the ad itself.)
Four: Create the ad from the brief and headlines you wrote
the ad from the brief. Tell me what graphic you'd use, the headline, and the
body copy.
much can you earn?
no exaggeration to say that the sky's the limit on your earning potential as a
copywriter. If you want to push your marketing, within a couple of years, you
can be earning a six-figure income without breaking much of a sweat.
When you are just starting out, you'll
charge somewhere between $50 and $100 an hour. As your experience grows, you
will charge more. If you have expertise in areas like finance, real estate,
multimedia, you can charge much more right away.
How to Write And Publish Your Own BOOKS!
just £10
Module 4: Interpersonal Skills
Sections: Types of Interpersonal Skills
Module 5: Reflective Practice
Modul 4: Reflective Learning Practice.
for reflection This tool has been developed by the BDA as an aid to support
reflection and is based on a framework developed by Rolfe et al.  Learning
through reflection is more meaningful if you go through a structured process.
There are a number of models which aid the reflective process.  Some examples
of models you might want to look at further are: Borton (1970), Gibbs (1998),
Schon (1983) Rolfe et el (2001).  Borton developed a model of reflection
based on three questions:Â Â So what? ... did I need to know to help me deal
with this situation? ... else could I have done? Now, what? ... do I do to make
things better? ... will I do? ... might be the consequences of this
alternative action? What? ... happened? ... was I doing? ... were others doing?
Rolfe et al further developed Bortonâs model and developed a framework for
use in clinical practice
Report by Paul Thompson.
Incite into Reflective Practice for Education & Management
Tenants' points for reflection.
effective groups develop when each member is contributing to the common task
and to building the group
A core purpose produces real commitment.
To lead is to serve, nothing more and nothing less.
By understanding what goes on in groups, you can learn to work with the grain
rather than against it.
teams need good leadership but high-performance teams need high-performance
Team work is no accident, it is a product of good leadership the power of a
team to accomplish its mission is directly related to how well the leader
selects and develops its members.
is the level at which each of us, as an educator, has full re-sponsibility and
control and can choose to use reflective practices in our work and life.
on our own provides each of us with the opportunity to re-alize the following
Improvements in educational practice, given greater awareness of personal
performance, increased recognition of dilemmas that arise in practice,
different ways of thinking about dilemmas, and resulting adjustments in
Increased student learning and learning capacities, given im-provements in
personal practice
Increased personal capacities for learning and improvement, as the skills and
dispositions for reflective practice become embedded in our way of thinking and
Restored balance and perspective, given the time-out created for reflection and
the subsequent learning; learning is a great source of inspiration!
Renewed clarity of personal and professional purpose, given a sense of
empowerment to align our practice with purpose.
ways to reflect alone include journal-ing, reviewing a case, reading
professional literature, developing and reviewing a teaching portfolio,
exercising, and observing or listening to one̢۪s own practice through use of
videotapes or audiotapes.
3 contains additional considerations and specific examples of individual
reflective practice. When beginning to learn more about reflective practice and
its potential, through individual experience, we are in a position to more
effectively assist others in creating and supporting the development of
reflective capacities in others.
doing so, our own reflection and learning are also enriched.
With Partners
with another person in the process of reflection can result in greater insight
about one̢۪s practice, especially when trust is high, and the right
combination of support and challenge is present.
reflection can also introduce an element of fun. Humor, when appropriately
interjected, can remind us not to take ourselves too seriously and to remember
that mistakes are an inevitable part of the ongoing learning and improvement
addition to the gains that can be...
Practice and Continuous Learning realized at the individu-al level of
reflection, adding a partner to the reflection process can result in
Expanded learning and confidence about our own practice, given the different
perspective of another person and the assistance of coaching, a process of
Increased professional and social support and decreased feelings of isolation
at work, given the presence of a strengthened collegial relationship
An increased sense of who we are and how things work in our school, given the
connection and exchange with another person who also experiences life in our
place of work
Greater commitment to work and the work environment, given our increased
feelings of confidence and connection to another person in the place of work.
ways that two people can reflect together include interactive
journaling, cognitive coaching, conversing about instructional design
possibilities, talking through steps of an inquiry cycle related to specific
events or dilemmas, reading and talking about articles or case studies,
examining student work, and even reflecting with a partner online.
5 contains additional considerations and specific examples of reflective
practice for partners. The increased sense of competence, support, and
connection that can emerge from reflection with a part-ner positions us on more
solid ground to extend the practice of re-flection to small groups.
in Small Groups and Teams
is a big shift from reflecting alone or with a partner to re-flecting in a
small group, such as a team or committee. While the po-tential impact of
reflection increases, so does personal risk.
more people are in a group, the sense of safety and connec-tion between
individuals is not the same as in partner reflection.
and teams are also frequently appointed or mandated, whereas partner reflection
is usually more voluntary and self-organized. In appointed or mandated groups,
there is frequently less control over two important factors:
individuals who are present and the commitment and desire to par-ticipate.
Composition and commitment affect interactions and out-comes.
the risks involved in expanding reflective practice to such groups,good reasons
exist to venture forth into this domain.
reflection becomes part of educational practice within a small group, its
members can realize the following gains:
Enhanced learning and resources for learning about practice, giv-en the
expanded number of individuals—each of whom brings varied experiences and
expertise in life, learning, and education
Increased professional and social support, given the expanded network of
collegial relationships
More effective interventions for individual students or groups of identified
students, given shared purpose, responsibility, and exper-tise among members of
a group
Emerging sense of hope and encouragement that meaningful and sus-tained
improvements in practice can occur, given that members in a group are working
and learning together
Improved climate and collegiality, given greater understanding of our own and
others̢۪ experiences and perspectives about our shared place of work
ways to reflect in a small group include action research, study groups, regular
grade-level or content-area meetings to review and design instructional and
assessment procedures, and case-study re-views.
practices can also enhance committee work by intentionally engaging in
reflection about past practices and future possibilities and by soliciting the
perspectives of people representing broad in-terests in the respective work.
committees that form to address building-wide concerns such as space, scheduling,
extracurricular activities, and remedial sup-ports for learning would be more
effective if reflection and learning were an embedded part of the committee
groups, it is often appropriate to include a participatory re-flection process
that focuses on how the group is working together and accomplishing its
to Chapter 5 for more considerations and specific examples of reflective
practice in groups or teams.
the small-group level of reflective practice, the potential to in-fluence more
broadly the educational practices begins to emerge with-in and throughout the
ripples of change frequently become the impetus for much broad-er changes, even
when that was not an original intent (Garmston & Wellman, 1995;
1992). The potential to improve educational practices sig-nificantly increases
when multiple groups and teams succeed in embed-ding reflective practices
their work, and when efforts expand to include the vast majority of individuals
and groups in a school.
wide Reflective Practice
greatest potential for reflective practice to improve school.
Modual 6: Article Marketing
Article Marketing To Help Your Business
Can article marketing help your business? The
answer is yes because not only are you able to post your articles for free, but
you get to reach a specific audience that is interested in your product or
ser-vice. Article marketing can help your business the minute you submit these
to different article directories. If these are approved for posting, people
will be able to visit your site or may want to get in touch with you as they
click the link or look at the resource box. The resource box is usually found
at the bottom of the web page. Here, writers can put their name, website, and
email. If your article had a significant impact on the reader and they would
like to post your article in their websites, they can do so which means more
peo-ple will be able to see your work without you having to do anything.
Articles that are posted in directories usually ask you for keywords so this
can easily be found when someone visits the site. These key-words are also
given to search engines so if people type it in, your article will also appear,
and they will be able to view it. Another way of getting people to see your
site is giving this in the form of a report or e-book to potential customers.
With all the information there, that person will surely want to know more and
get in touch with you in the future. People who are serious about article
market-ing have to venues where the articles can be displayed. The first is
high traffic distribution sites while the second is submitted to highly
relevant niche publishers. The difference between the two is that although the
second will not be read by many, it will be easy for those who run this site to
refer qualified visitors to the au-thor. It does not matter if the article you
are writing about is for a small, medium, or large business because there are
ways to promote it. For instance, if your article is for a small restaurant,
you should put in the title something related to the location of the
es-tablishment. The same goes for the medium and large-scale business. The key
here is to come up with a catchy title that your audience can relate to. Of
course, there are other ways of promoting your business such as paying for pop
up ads and meta-tags. But why would you spend when you can get this for free?
So, take advantage of this free mar-keting tool and see what it can do as it
has done for others. You surely would not want to pass up on the chance so
write something about your business or get someone to do it for you. Is article
mar-keting better than conventional print publications? The answer is yes
because people will easily find your article by typing in some key-words. Print
publication on the other hand is difficult because you will have to browse
through how many back issues of newspapers and magazines just to find it. Also,
conventional publication is only relevant to the time it was written. The
online form will be there for many years ahead as this information is stored
somewhere in the cyber space. Just make sure this is updated if something new
comes along so you are sure that article marketing is able to help your
Articles About Internet Marketing
over an article on Internet marketing, you will gauge how the term has changed
through the years. It used to be focused on ad placements. The way to do it
then was to create a web page and place banner ads on other sites so that you
can have links to your own sites. There are also some money-making scheme that
evolved wherein you are advised to join a program for you to earn through the
Inter-net. But as of today, Internet marketing has become synonymous to
ad-vertising. And the best way to do this is through creating valuable
articles. This way, it is less costly especially if you have the knack for
writing and you are going to create your own materials. Writing the Articles
Writing for the web is a lot different as com-pared to feature writing on
magazines or even in the newspapers. This can be easy to do once you get the
hang of it. All you have got to have are ideas about a specific topic that you
want to become an ex-pert on. But if you really do not have the knack for this
craft, you can always hire freelancers to do the task for you. First thing that
you have to remember when writing the articles is that you must have a specific
audience in mind. You will address your materials to them. You are vying for
their attention that is why you are writing your articles in a way to reach out
to them. This is the kind of topics which they are interested to, so you write
about it until you are considered and expert. That will not be hard to do
especially when you have good content which your target market is always on the
look-out for. You must be subtle in promoting your own web site, products and
services. This rule applies when you get your articles published on different
submission sites. Most of the time, you will be allotted a box, an ample space wherein
you can create an author's bio. That is the part where you can have a link to
your site. The idea here is when you already got the trust of your readers,
they will be inter-ested enough to click on your specified links. Take note of
the word count. Other submission sites would accept 300 or so words for
arti-cles. But most sites prefer 500 to 550 minimum word count. Read the rules
thoroughly so that you will not get banned from any of those useful sites. Also
be careful in using keywords. Do not use it too much to the point that it will
annoy your readers. Stuffing your ar-ticles with keywords will just make your
readers turn away from your materials if your motives become obvious. Lastly,
choose an article submission site that ranks high on Google and in Alexa. You
do not want to submit your work on spammy sites. That will not do your
busi-ness any good. You can also study where your competitors do their
submissions. This way, you can zoom in on those sites and start on your
submissions. Read through an article on Internet marketing just like this one
before you plunge into a territory which is still un-known to you. This way,
once you have entered the battle, theatre will be no turning back.
Easy To Read Articles
writing articles, make sure to keep your readers in mind. Stud-ies have shown
that most Internet readers tend to scan a page to find the information they are
looking for, rather than reading the entire page. This means having good
titles, a lot of subtitles, and making use of bullet points to help your
readers easily scan your page. Readers prefer a site like this that is easy to
use and will be more willing to come back to your site time and time again. The
more that your readers return, the more opportunities you will have to get them
to click on each one of your affiliate links. Failing to write your articles in
this manner, or to have them written this way, could turn your site visitors
away before they even have a chance to see what you have to say or to learn
what your affiliate links are all about. Keeping your articles organized as
recommended will keep your visi-tors returning and enable your site to continue
making money for you.
Effective Article Marketing Tips
marketing can do a lot for your business. You just have to know a few things
and here are some tips to help you out. vital age.
First, you must make sure that whatever you are writing about is relevant. If
you know for a fact that your product could be particu-larly useful, then do
some research about it and then end the article with a link to your website.
Before you upload the article, check if the site you plan to put this has this
as one of their topics.
Just like what you read in the newspaper or see on television, the article must
be both timely and newsworthy. This will allow you stay in touch with what is
happening in the world. One good way is signing up with a site that gives you
alerts with regards to certain topics.
Some writers post one article and that is it. Just like movie pro-ducers in
Hollywood, you should post a sequel to this because there could already be new
information available which you could share to the public.
You should also make your articles viral. What this simply means is allowing
other people to publish your article just if nothing is changed, and you are
given credit for it. Another way of doing this is offering your writing
services to others which will become added revenue for you.
Each article you write must be short and simple. It must be short so that it
will not bore the reader. Simple so that they will be able to understand the
message you are trying to convey.
6. Just how many articles must your write to
increase traffic? The good news is that you only need 2 to get things started.
A good title will be â€Å“how to do something†and â€Å“x number of tips for
some-thing.†If this catches their
interest, that person will most like-ly click on the link to your site and then
buy something. The bottom line is that it increases web traffic.
7. You can stop at just 2 articles to promote
your site. If you have other products, you can write articles on it as well and
then mention in the resource box. This is known as cross-referencing which a
lot of webmasters allow their contributors to do.
Aside from posting your written work in other websites, do not forget to also
put these in your own. If you have written 10 or more about the same topic, put
these together to what is known as an e-book and then pass this along for free.
Again, if people like what is written there then people would not remind
reading it several times.
Aside from posting in websites, make use of RSS feeds. There are plenty of them
around so make use of it. There are two ways to get into article marketing. The
first is to write it yourself and just hope that people will appreciate your
writing style. The other is to hire someone to do it. Some charge by the hour
while others charge per word. It may be worth it if this increases traffic to
your site. By following these article marketing tips, it will not be long
before you get a lot of hits.
Importance of Article Marketing
marketing has been used for years. From media publications, it has shifted to
the web which many experts say is timeless thus making it particularly
important in the digital age. The reason why article marketing is so important
is that it will not only enhance your website with information but it will also
make it go up the ranks of major search engines which all boils down to quality
traf-fic. This means that chances of people buying your items via the web are
much higher and some of these customers might even come from out of state or
from a different country.
A. You can make this happen simply by
choosing the right keywords which the search engines will pick up when someone
decides to look for it.
B. Another option is to send your articles
only to those that cater to it. This can be done by uploading the article to
your favourite online network. There are also popular article submission sites
also known as directories as well as article search engines which you can
submit to free of charge.
C. You can also get help from friends who also
have websites and post your articles there. The more sites you can advertise in
the better, so you get to reach a larger audience.
If you have written a lot of articles already, it is time to put these into
categories. You can also put these all together in the form of an e-Book and
give this away for free.
The articles may also be submitted to ezine sites. Article market-ing is just
one of the tools in promoting your site via the web. There are also meta-tags
and pop up tags which happen to be extremely popular. The only difference is
that you must spend a few dollars for these to be posted in other sites. So, is
article marketing im-portant? The answer is yes because with 300 to 500 words,
you can talk to the reader in a more personal level better than what a banner
can do. Most people don̢۪t even pay attention to a banner and just close it
because many feels that it is a waste of time just enter-taining it. Perhaps
the best part is that you do not have to be an expert writer to tell the reader
what your product is all about. The main thing is that you can say it simply so
this will be easy for just about anyone to understand. If you are having a hard
time put-ting the words together, do some drafts, proofread it before
submit-ting this online. For those who do not write very well, maybe you should
hire someone to do that for you by simply giving them certain guidelines about
the message you are trying to convey. People who want to search for something
using the web must type in certain key-words in one of the major search
engines. If you want people to find your site, you must put yourself in their
shoes and then put in fac-tual information so you can be trusted. This is the
essence of what makes article marketing is all about and why it is so important
for anyone who wants to do business online.
Great Articles
marketing is the new way to promote products nowadays. After all, what better
way to reach the target market than to produce mate-rials that directly affect
them and articles that they can directly relate with. For instance, if you have
a product that treats diabe-tes, one way to reach your market and reach your
target audience is to write articles that will benefit them like tips on how to
prevent increase in sugar levels. This is especially true with the range that
the world wide web has brought us. With the faster connection and the amount of
information that one can get with a single click of the mouse, more and more
people are starting to recognize the importance that article marketing in
raising the awareness of consumers. In re-cent years that article marketing has
gone online, it has not only been used to promote products and services over
the internet but also in promotion of the site itself. Site owners use the
articles that they have in their sites to increase their ranking in search engines
like Yahoo and Google. The more articles they have that correspond to the
keyword being searched on, the better their ranking will be in the search
results. This is done not only to increase the viewers that will be able to
look at the sites but also the advertisements that will be placed on the site.
More viewers and visitors of the sites will also mean more advertisements on
the sites. This will mean more revenues for the site as they get a percentage
for every person who will click on the advertisements. But the proliferation of
arti-cles in the internet has lowered the quality of the posted works. More and
more articles are being posted without proper editing. There are many articles
that have wrong spelling and wrong grammar. There are also a lot of articles
that have been copied from other sites. Some will be copied verbatim while
other articles will only get the essence of the piece. But you don̢۪t have to
sacrifice quality over quantity. Even with a lot of articles to do, you can
create great ar-ticles. Here are some tips on how to do it. 1. Write as if you
are talking to your readers The best way to make your articles easy to read is
to make it conversational. Write the articles in such a way that you talking to
your readers. This way, they will be able to re-late more with the article and
absorb the piece. 2. Use simple words There is no sense in using words that can
only be found in the dic-tionary. After all your readers are not scholars who
have a wide vo-cabulary. Articles that use complicated words are also boring to
read and hard to understand. By using simple words, you can create a
con-nection with your readers right there and then. That way, you will be able
to accomplish what you came out to do, inform readers and pro-mote your product
and site. Besides, if they did not like the arti-cle, will they be coming back
to your site? 3. Write short articles You are not writing a novel. With online
content, shorter is better as most people who use the net will have really
short attention spans. They will not have the time or the patience to weed
through the additional words that you added just to lengthen the article. As
much as possible, make short succinct articles that go straight to the point.
Student Exercise.Formating, Research,
Planning. (FRPEx)
A short online course, by email, Requirements include;
A PC or Laptop. I.T. skills, Basic +, An
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Grammar, Spelling.)
Tutor email; paulamps70@yahoo.com
Subject matter.
1. Underpinning Knowledge.
2. Article Marketing.
3. Employable Skills.
LOOK FORWARD; TO Learning Copy Writing Skills.
Background Knowledge.
February 21, 2018
A few years ago, article marketing involved writing and posting con-tent for
reprint on article directories and syndication site. During this time, having
your articles appear on other websites was an ad-vantage not only for the
exposure to the audience on other sites but in search engine optimizationÂ
(SEO) as well.
the last few years, the effectiveness of article marketing as described above
has waned. For one, many people using this method wrote poor content. People
needing articles for their sites began to look elsewhere. Second, Google made
two changes that impacted content marketing. One, it ranked one site with the
article, but would not give equal consideration to the same article (duplicate
content) on another site.
came Google's Panda update, which penalized websites it deemed as having poor
quality or non-related content on it. The goal was to get rid of worthless
spammy SEO articles in favour of high-quality content. It, in turn, has
impacted article marketing and guest blog-ging's effectiveness at building
backlinks for SEO, since many web-site owners have stopped using other people's
articles or are adding a no-follow attribute (a code added to the link that
tells Google to ignore the link) to avoid a Google penalty.
is not lost though. Distributing unique content to other websites can still
work as a marketing tool. It may or may not improve your SEO, but it can get
you and your home business in front of a new mar-ket.
to Article Marketing for Home Business Promotion
done properly, article marketing can be a highly effective, yet inexpensive
means of promoting your home business. Here are the steps to making article
marketing work for you.
1. Research blogs and websites in your 1. target market that need content.Â
While the site does not have to be in your niche, it should be read by your
market and your article idea should be a fit for the site. Consider starting
your focus on sites that pay for 1. freelance
articles (there's no reason not to get paid for your effort), but don't rule
out offering your article for free.Â
2. Look for information on the site about
guest writing opportuni-ties. Many blogs and websites have a link that says,
"Blog for Us," "Write for Us," "Guidelines," or
something similar. Read this infor-mation carefully. Failure to follow
directions will result in your article being rejected.
3. If there are no guidelines, email the site
owner. Many blog and website owners are open to guest posts but may not have
the in-formation on their website. Email them and ask if they take articles. Be
clear and specific in your pitch. Do not just say you write in the same niche.
Instead, present a couple of specific ideas or arti-cle titles. Further, let
the owner know about you and why you are a good resource to write about the
4. Submit your article per the site's
guidelines. Many sites don't want attachments. Others do not want links within
the article but will accept one or more in your bio at the end of your piece.
5. Write an enticing bio that lures readers
to check out your home business. If you have a freebie offer attached to
your email list, mention it. For example, Sally Sue owns Acme Home Business.
Get her free report by visiting Sallywebsite.com.
6. Promote your article once it is
published. There are several reasons article marketing is a win-win for you
and the site owner publishing your piece. You appear as an expert in front of
the site's audience, plus get shared on the site's social media, and possibly,
its email list. The site owner gets great quality content, plus can appear in
front of your audience when you share it on social media or list on your media
kit page. There is an expectation by most site owners that you will promote
the article when it is posted.
Marketing Tips
submitting articles for posting on other blogs or websites, make sure they are:
1) Exclusive to the site you send the article
to. The site owner won't want to run the article if it appears somewhere else.
While Google may not penalize duplicate content, it is not going rank well
articles that show up on other sites. For the article to be worth it to the
site owner, the content should be original.
2) High quality that does not ignore SEO, but
is not solely, ob-noxious about SEO either. Search engines are an effective
traffic source, so your article should consider keywords and other writing
tactics of SEO. Nevertheless, keyword stuffing or writing an article with
little value will not rank well either. Further, links in an ar-ticle that
Google does not think is a fit with the site, can lead to a penalty on your
2016Â by Leslie Truex
     This is the act of taking that
content mentioned above and distributing it with the focus of using it to
promote a product or service.
A lot of times you will find blogs featuring
articles or posts which promote something to the reader, this is a form of
content marketing.
     The same thing can be done in
videos and audio-based podcasts.
     It’s basically a more
elaborate form of advertising.
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Self Empowerment.
Recruiting & or Developing
Here is the key:
Are Interpersonal Skills?
skills are sometimes called employability skills. The word â€Å“employability†is a tip-off about the importance of inter-personal skills: they’re so crucial that hiring managers really don’t want to hire candidates without them.
careers require consistent, if not constant, interaction with other people.
This is true even for jobs that would seem to fa-vour introverted
personalities and independent work styles. For ex-ample, even if you are a
software engineer, writer, or statistician, you still need to be able to
communicate and collaborate with your team.
important to emphasize your interpersonal skills in your cover letter and
resume, and then back up those claims with your behaviour during job
if you excel at the technical aspects of your job, if you’re a disaster to
work with, your presence in the office will not be well received.
of Interpersonal Skills
of the most important interpersonal skills in any job is communication.
Whether you work in IT, customer service, con-struction, or any other
industry, you will need to be able to com-municate clearly and effectively with
others through both oral and written communications. Some jobs also require
skills in effective public speaking.
you are a manager or an employee, you will likely need to resolve conflictsÂ
at some point in your job. This might involve solving an issue between two
staff members, between yourself and a colleague, or between a client and your
company. You will need to be able to listen fairly to both sides and use
creative problem-solving to arrive at a solution.
⦠Constructive criticism
of being a good manager, employee, or colleague is the ability to understand
and show empathy for others. If a customer or colleague calls with a complaint,
for example, you will need to listen thought-fully to the person̢۪s concerns
and express compassion for their is-sue. Empathy is an important skill that
will help you get along with everyone in the workplace.
⦠Helping others
if you are not a manager, it is important to have some leader-ship experience
and ability. Leadership requires being able to moti-vate and encourage others
and help a team achieve success.
⦠Inspiring trust
⦠Positive reinforcement
is a skill that goes hand in hand with good communication. While you need to be
able to express your own ideas, you also need to thoughtfully listen to the
ideas of others. This will help your cli-ents, employers, colleagues, and
employees feel respected and valued.
is an important skill for many positions. Depending on the specific job, it
might involve creating formal agreements (or contracts) between clients or
helping colleagues solve a problem and determine a solution. To be a good
negotiator, you have to be able to listen to others, use creative
problem-solving, and arrive at an out-come that satisfies everyone.
want to hire employees who make the office a brighter place. They want people
with a friendly, positive demeanour. This does not mean you have to be the most
social person in the office, but you have to be willing to develop some sort of
a positive rapport with your colleagues.
⦠Developing rapport
if your job involves a lot of independent work, you still need to be able to
collaborate with others. Teamwork involves a number of the skills already
mentioned: you need to be able to listen to oth-ers, communicate your own
goals, motivate your team, and resolve any conflicts that may arise.
⦠Group facilitating
Marketers & Entrepreneurs.
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To Get Into the Domain Business
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investment. With some thorough research, you can get an idea about what are the
most trending domain names currently.
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profit. Look for domain auction websites on the web, as you can stumble upon
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Business Start-Up Guide.
Ultimate Small Business Start-up Guide an eBook by amps.
what is your business end look like...
are many reasons to start a new business, including the freedom of being in
charge, the chance to be creative and deal with a wide variety of tasks where
no day is the same, realizing your dream, and doing something that you are
genuinely interested in, not to mention the financial rewards. However, the
decision to set up a company and be your own boss is a huge step and as such,
requires a lot of thought.
Becoming an entrepreneur is a life-changing
experience and it isn̢۪t for everyone. It will require determination, the
ability to plan, resilience, and focus, as well as comprehensive research into
your business idea, the marketplace, and your financial options.
businesses start with great intentions and hope but more than half of all
businesses will not make it beyond a couple of years. This guide intends to
help you appreciate some of the elements in-volved, from forming your company
to the next steps in setting up and becoming established, providing brief
overviews of areas such as fi-nance, marketing, and creating a business plan.
We hope you find it useful and wish you great success with your new company.
For the information of users: This eBook is
published for infor-mation only. It provides only an overview of the
regulations in force at the date of publication, and no action should be taken
without consulting the detailed legislation or seeking professional advice from
a qualified professional. No responsibility for loss occasioned by any person
acting or refraining from action as a result of the ma-terial contained in this
eBook can be accepted by The Made Simple Group. Which type of company is right
for you? When it comes to form-ing a company, there are a few options available
to you. The type of company you choose will be dependent on the nature of the
business you intend to carry out, for instance, if you intend to own the
com-pany alone (a ‘sole’ trader) or if you intend to hire employees or set
up a non-profit organization. Limited Company Under a limited company
structure, the company is owned by its shareholders and your company and
personal finances are kept separate (unlike a sole trader structure).
private limited company cannot offer shares for sale on the stock market,
whereas a public limited company can. Sole Trader Working as a sole trader, you
are not required by law to have annual accounts or to file accounts for
inspection. However, unlike a company limited by shares where directors and
shareholders have limited liability, your personal liability is unlimited.
Limited by Guarantee A company lim-ited by guarantee is mainly used for
non-profit organizations, such as sports associations, students̢۪ unions,
charities, membership clubs, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Rather
than share capital and shareholders, a limited by guarantee company has members
who act as guarantors. Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) An LLP is a
partnership with limited liability for its members. It has the flexibility of a
partnership and is taxed as a partnership, but in other respects, it is similar
to a private company. Whilst a limited company and sole trader ship tend to be
the most popular options, there are advantages and disadvantages to each. Use
our tax calcula-tor to find out if a limited company or sole trader is best for
you. What information is needed to start a limited company? To set up a limited
company, you will need to be able to provide:
̢ۢ A registered office address: This is the
address that all statu-tory mail from Companies House and HMRC will be sent to.
The address will appear on the Companies House register, meaning the details
are available to the public. For this reason, if your business is based at your
residential address you may want to use an external regis-tered office service.
Director details: There must be a minimum of 1 director (minimum age 16 years)
and they must not have been declared bankrupt or been banned from being a
company director by a court. You will need to be able to provide their first
and last name, date of birth, nationali-ty, occupation, country of residence,
and residential address. A com-pany can also act as a director provided there
is at least one natu-ral (human) director.
Shareholder details: There must be a minimum of 1 shareholder. Shareholders can
often be the directors as well, although this is not a requirement, and shares
can be held by other companies. For each shareholder, you will need to be able
to provide their full name, residential address, share currency (GBP, EUR, or
USD), number of shares, and value per share. Choosing your company name Naming
your company might not seem like a big deal, but it is an integral part of your
business̢۪ identity and contributes to the impression you por-tray to
customers and others, so it̢۪s important to choose wisely. In addition, whilst
Companies House accepts the majority of names submitted, there are some
official restrictions. ̢ۢ Your proposed name must be different from that of a
company that is already incor-porated. This includes the use of expressions,
signs and symbols. For example, ‘XY plus z’ and ‘XY + Z’ would be
considered too similar. Words such as ‘services’ and ‘company’ do not
dif-ferentiate a company name.
• Names that include ‘sensitive’ words
or phrases will not be accepted. This includes names that suggest a connection
with Her Maj-esty̢۪s Government or public authority and words which imply
busi-ness pre-eminence or a specific function. For example, the word
‘agency’ implies a governmental connection and would require con-firmation
of approval by a relevant body. Terms relating to a per-son̢۪s profession such
as ‘psychologist’ or ‘dietician’ are protected titles and require prior
Names that contain offensive words will not be allowed by Compa-nies House For
a full list of regulations, visit the Companies House website. You may also
want to consider:
How easy your company name is to say and spell. This will make it easier for
customers to remember.
̢ۢ Using a location. This might be good for
local business and your visibility on search engines but could limit you if
you̢۪re aiming to expand or relocate your company elsewhere in the future.
Your competitors. You want to set yourself apart from the compe-tition and when
it comes to word of mouth marketing, you want to make sure customers are
talking about you and not accidentally pronouncing the name of a competitor. A
similar name to another company could al-so lead to administration problems
such as receiving the wrong mail. Creating a business plan, A business plan is
an essential document that will guide you in establishing and growing your new
venture; helping you focus your thoughts, providing you with targets and goals
as well as giving you an indication of your cash requirements. As you would
expect, different businesses will have different criteria for goals and
success. While there is no ‘one size fits all’ step by step guide and many
different templates available online, a typical plan should include: ̢ۢ
Objectives ̢ۢ Missions of the business ̢ۢ Description of the
products/services ̢ۢ Summary of the market ̢ۢ Competitor analysis ̢ۢ Sales
and marketing information ̢ۢ Financial assumptions and forecasts A business
plan is not only useful for you and your employees, it can also be beneficial
(or required) when pitching your business to investors, potential partners, and
banks. Steps to planning success Establish your mission statement explains why
your business exists. Think about why you are starting the busi-ness, what
needs of the marketplace you are aiming to satisfy, and where you want your
business to be in the future. Analyze your SWOT These are your business
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Be thorough and honest and
your analysis will help you crit-ically and unemotionally evaluate your
business. Develop a plan from each SWOT category, choose a few important items,
and then set goals to maximize your strengths, correct your weaknesses, make
the most of your opportunities, and nullify your threats. Remember to
distribute tasks amongst your staff to ease the workload and avoid dwelling too
much on the negatives. Set realistic strategies for improving your business.
Create a budget All missions and strategies need adequate financial resources
to succeed. An intelligent budget will help you regularly review your expenses
and make financially beneficial deci-sions. Make it a living document Once
it̢۪s in writing, make it a living document! Consider how often you and your
team will review it, perhaps monthly, and frequently update your plan to
reflect your com-pany’s progress. Remember, your plan is like a ‘to-do
list̢۪; you should be challenging your goals, aiming to achieve them, and
continuously evolving. Mistakes new business owners make and how to avoid them
Juggling too many tasks It̢۪s important for any new busi-ness owner to go into
their new venture with gusto and enthusiasm, but equally important not to get
carried away and believe you can do everything. Your time is limited, and most
entrepreneurs have one or two natural talents, so focus on your own strengths
and rely on oth-ers who are strong where you are weakest. It will be more
beneficial, both professionally and emotionally, to delegate tasks rather than
spread yourself too thin and attempt to do it all.
unrealistic goals There̢۪s no denying that money is a huge motivator when it
comes to starting your own company. However, set-ting unrealistic financial
goals and expecting big returns within your first year is risky, to say the
least. Your goals should be SMART – specific, measurable, accountable,
realistic, and time-bound. It may take a little while to start seeing serious
profit but give your business time to grow and
know that it will require perseverance and a
bit of luck. Only if your company is stagnant or leaking substantial costs
should you con-sider trying a new approach? Not being clear and consistent
It̢۪s well known that a first impression can be very difficult, if not
im-possible, to change. If you are sending mixed, inconsistent messages then
your customers will have mixed feelings about your company and products, and
you could lose out on those all-important sales. Every new and returning
customer should receive the same honest and clear message. Failing to assess
the competition correctly as the saying goes, keep your friends close and your
enemies closer. Even if you have the latest, greatest product or service that̢۪s
nothing like anyone else̢۪s or has never been done before, you will always
have competitors targeting the same market as yours. They may be direct and
obvious rivals, but competition also comes from the possible al-ternatives to
what you̢۪re offering, anything that could lure your customers away. You
shouldn̢۪t assume that your competitors will have no response to your business
or their own new initiatives, so study them and try to second guess their
plans. Your business plan should be regularly updated to take their actions
into account. Fi-nance Funding options available to you If not independently
wealthy and perhaps even if you are, eventually, you will probably need to
obtain some outside capital for your new business. In some instances, you may need
to obtain capital for the initial expenses prior to opening your business, or
perhaps the funds you require may be for expansion or working capital during
the offseason.
financing can take two forms: debt or equity. Debt, of course, means borrowing
money. Loans may come from family, friends, banks, other financial institutions
or professional investors. Equity relates to selling an ownership interest in
your business. Such a sale can take many forms, such as the admitting of a
partner or, if you are in a company, issuing of additional shares to investors.
With any financing options and procedures, it is strongly recommended to
consult with an accountant as there are many significant legal rami-fications
to such a step. Be smart with your money Irrespective of the type of financing
you need, the process of obtaining it is some-what similar. A financial plan
will help you answer some important questions about raising finances which are
not only useful for you as the business owner, but your investors, or
prospective investors, too. Consider: ̢ۢ How much money will you need? In
order to calcu-late this, you will need to do some serious cash flow planning.
This requires estimates of future sales, the related costs, and how quick-ly
you must pay your suppliers. You will also have to build into your planning
some assumptions about when you will generate enough cash to pay the money
back. If you raise cash through equity you probably don̢۪t need to pay it
back, but your investors will want to know how the value of the business will
grow and how they will benefit through dividends or selling their shares. ̢ۢ
What are you going to do with the money? One of the most important questions
you will have to an-swer for a potential investor is how the money will be
spent. Will you use it for equipment or to hire additional employees or perhaps
for research and development for a new improved product? Again, part of the
answer on how you spend the money is how it will benefit the company. ̢ۢ What
experience do you have in running your business? One of the primary reasons for
business failure is the lack of expe-rience in management. You will need to
convince your investors that you have the knowledge, experience, and ability to
manage your busi-ness, and their money, at the level at which you expect to
What is the climate for your type of business and your geographic location? Few
investors will want to put your money into your busi-ness if you haven̢۪t done
sufficient ‘homework’ to determine that you have a reasonable chance of
success. If your business is based on existing or legal conditions that are
subject to change soon, your risk is substantially increased. Even if your
business has great potential, if the local economy is sluggish to the point it
can̢۪t support your venture, you need to be aware of this. Account-ing and
bookkeeping Another question you will no doubt need to ask yourself is whom
will you delegate to keep track of the books and ac-counting? As the business
owner, you could assign this task to your-self, alternatively, you may hire a
secretary or receptionist to take care of it or hire an external bookkeeper to
work for you on a peri-odical basis. Often, business owners decide to keep the
books them-selves and underestimate the commitment involved. Whilst it is
im-portant for business owners to maintain control and oversee all the finances
of the company, it shouldn̢۪t be to the detriment of other areas of the
business. For tips and guidance on bookkeeping, you can speak to your
accountant or the HM Revenue and Customs, who will be able to advise and help
you set up an efficient system for keeping on top of it. Marketing & Sales
Marketing is a very broad term used to describe the many aspects involved in
promoting and selling your product/ service, as well as identifying and
satisfying your custom-ers̢۪ requirements. It covers multiple areas such as
branding, de-sign, websites, market research, advertising, and exhibitions.
Creat-ing a marketing plan in order for your marketing to be successful, a
marketing plan is considered essential. This plan should be con-sistent with
your business plan but does not necessarily need to be as long. Similar to your
business plan, you should refer to it on a regular basis and keep it updated,
reviewing which goals have been achieved, which strategies are working, and
which areas may need more work. You should also update your plan to reflect any
changes in your target market or customer preferences, for instance, the rising
popu-larity of internet shopping. When creating your plan, you may want to
structure it according to the ‘P’s of Marketing. There are tradi-tional
‘4 P’s of Marketing’ – however, two more can also be considered,
especially for service-driven organizations. These are ̢ۢ Product. The
physical characteristics of the product or service you are selling. It can
include packaging, warranty, design, fea-tures, etc. ̢ۢ Price. The pricing of
your product/service should consider the prices of your competitors, discounts,
and profit mar-gins. The ‘gross profit margin’ refers to the difference
between the selling price of an item and the price that you paid for it.
Promotion. This covers how you communicate your product/service to your target
market and includes your sales team, advertising, tel-esales, public relations,
and email marketing (newsletters, etc). ̢ۢ Placement. This covers the
distribution of your service/product. Fac-tors to consider include where you
are planning to sell, for example online or door to door, the delivery of your
product, and so on. ̢ۢ Process. This refers to the service included with the
sale of your product/service, such as performance standards, post-sales
support, monitoring Key Performance Indicators (KPI). ̢ۢ People. If you plan
to have employees, consider what training and incentives you will provide and
the team culture you are aiming for. Social Media Social media is a broad term
that refers to the virtual creation, exchange, and sharing of content across
internet-based applications. In the last few years, social media platforms have
become more and more pop-ular and the numbers of people engaging online have
grown a stagger-ing amount, with many social media sites now having hundreds of
mil-lions of users (Facebook alone has 1.6 billion monthly users). This
phenomenon of online communication has escalated with technological
advancements, such as smartphones and tablets, and can now be consid-ered a
vital marketing tool. Your company can utilize social networks such as Facebook,
Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and LinkedIn to pro-mote offers, launch
competitions, and respond to customer queries (don̢۪t forget complaints, too).
With many social platforms com-pletely free to use, if used correctly social
media is a cheap and easy way to communicate with customers on a personal
level, increase word-of-mouth marketing and attract new interest in your
company and products. Things to consider: ̢ۢ Who is your target market? What
are their online habits and what are they talking about? ̢ۢ Don̢۪t join any
and every site at random. Choose the ones that your customers are engaging in
and will be best to get your business, products, and ser-vices across. For
example, if you sell wedding stationery, you may want to set up a Pinterest
profile where the majority of users are female and the ‘virtual pinboard’
design will provide a conven-ient way to display your products online. ̢ۢ
Integration. Your so-cial media channels should link to your website to
increase traffic and encourage customers to look around your site. ̢ۢ Let your
compa-ny̢۪s personality shine through. Whilst sales talk on social media
platforms is good in small measures, focus more on being personable,
interesting, and approachable. ̢ۢ Measure your success. Tools such as Google
Analytics can be used to track conversions from your social media sites and
identify how much your social media presence is bene-fitting your marketing
and/or customer service strategies. Sales Mak-ing a profit The growth of your
business is dependent on your profit. Without profit, your business cash flows
will become unsustainable and you will not be able to successfully invest in
new prod-ucts/resources or hire new employees.
increase your profit, you can:
Increase the price of the products/services you are selling. It is important
not to increase your prices so
high as
to drive potential customers away to your
cheaper competitors, but a small increase in price can lead your
product/service to be perceived as more
Decrease your costs. Variable costs: These are the direct costs incurred by
producing or buying the products.
costs: These are the costs incurred regardless of your sales. For example, the
cost of electricity needed to run your premises. De-creasing your variable
costs is possible through means such as nego-tiating better deals with your
suppliers or implementing a more effi-cient manufacturing system which
increases production.
You can also reduce your fixed costs in various
ways, for example switching electricity/gas suppliers to reduce utility bills.
For fixed costs associated with employee wages, you may want to hire tem-porary
workers rather than putting permanent staff on payroll, thus giving you the
flexibility to adapt staff numbers or working hours during periods of lower
With regards to the price of your product, it
is important to be aware that it is not the only factor to influence the
decisions of customers; it is always possible to be beaten by a competitor.
if you are offering the same product for a lower price, focus as much on the
other features of your product
company in order to make the sale.
your marketing or advertising, you can include the promotion of other features such
as product warranty,
customer satisfaction guarantees, loyalty
schemes, as well as the quality of your product.
Effective advertising tips Advertising is one
of the most popular tools a marketer can use, yet it is often costly
ineffective because it is not being utilized in the correct way.
Whether you are advertising in print or online
(or even via radio),
your marketing should:
Be relevant to your target market. An effective advertising cam-paign should
target your customers and potential customers, not eve-ryone. Tailor your
message and offers to be relevant to your market and they will be perceived as
more personalized.
̢ۢ Be appealing and memorable to your
customers. Pay attention to the graphics and the layouts that you use.
images, color, and movement of your adverts will be the things that customers
notice in the first few seconds
of scanning your advert, so it̢۪s important
to get- and keep- their attention.
Your copy should be easy to read, specific,
and believable.
that is funny or thought-provoking is more likely to be re-membered and shared
amongst your audience
remember to sell the unique benefits of your product/services.
customers, The concept of selling doesn̢۪t need to be scary if you think of it
in terms of solving a problem.
to your customers how purchasing a product or service from you will benefit
them and help solve a problem,
you̢۪ll soon build their trust in your business.
effective and consistent ways of selling within your busi-ness will help build
that trust.
are some strategies for creating a sales system within your business:
Develop a sales technique and process (e.g. creating rapport, asking detailed
questions, empathizing with
concerns) and train your team members to use it consistently.
Track conversion rates. The difference between the number of in-quiries you
receive and the number of
sales are like taking the pulse of the sales of your business.
Include cross-selling, up-selling, and bundling products togeth-er.
Have a follow-up system in place –up to 80% of sales are made after the 5th
contact. Setting up an annual promotion schedule will keep you motivated to
maintain a consistent and constant sales and marketing program. Some ideas
Holding special events: grand openings, new product unveilings, contests.
Free publicity: press releases, editorials, community service.
Web-based promotions: either on your website or someone else̢۪s.
Networking: tradeshows, trade organizations, chambers of com-merce.
Create a referral system: harness the power of word of mouth, re-ward customers
for referring others.
how to keep them in order to get your customers raving about you and coming
back for more,
have to provide not just sufficient customer service, but amazing customer
of your customers̢۪ needs to feel important and cared about, valued.
they feel their custom is indifferent or that you̢۪re uninterest-ed,
they can easily be tempted to look elsewhere
and be lured away by a competitor.
On the other hand, if they have been impressed
with your service, not only are they more likely to tell their friends,
and colleagues about the wonderful experience they had,
are also more likely to adopt the familiarity principle and re-turn as a loyal
the same great service.
would they shop around elsewhere when you̢۪ve already delighted them?
it costs far more to attract new customers than to maintain your existing
client base.
are a few useful ways to assess customer happiness, such as customer
satisfaction surveys,
feedback forms and online reviews, and various
ways to retain their custom including discounts,
competitions and customer loyalty schemes.
their details, such as an email address, and keep in regular contact through
newsletters, special offers, and so on. It̢۪s also important to let your
customers know that you̢۪re really listening. If they̢۪re unhappy with
something, don̢۪t be afraid to apologize or admit that it wasn̢۪t perfect and
reassure them that you̢۪re taking steps to improve it in the future.
Be honest, and they̢۪ll be more likely to
respect you for acknowl-edging any shortcomings. Taxes,
& Insurance A significant task for a new business owner is ensuring that
the business complies
the extensive tax, legislation, and insurance requirements that are imposed by
various authorities.
avoid problems, penalties, and - in some cases - legal action, it is important
to understand your obligations.
Insurance When you are employed by someone, your National Insurance
Contribution (NIC)
tax is deducted automatically from your salary when you get paid.
However, when you become self-employed this
does not automatically occur.
Once you have formed your company and intend
to work for yourself, you must declare your earnings to HMRC
three months of your company formation. Failure to comply could result in a
substantial fine.
your company has been incorporated by Companies House, they will send a
Corporate Tax form (form CT41G)
to your registered office address for your
completion. What about the people I employ? If you have employees,
will need to pay National Insurance contributions for each member of staff.
The amount you will pay for each employee
depends on their individu-al salary and the 2015/16 rate is
13.8% above the lower earnings limit but can differ de-pending on age and the
N1 category.
are made to the Inland Revenue Accounting and Payment Ser-vices and you will
need to be
with PAYE (Pay as You Earn).
If your company has a turnover of more than £82,000 within a 12-month period,
you must register for VAT. To register for VAT, you can apply online via the
HMRC website or alternatively,
send a form through the post.
Of course, applying online will be much
quicker and more secure.
If you apply online, HMRC will automatically
enroll you for the VAT online service which will enable
you to submit your VAT returns online.
VAT records that you keep must be detailed and include all busi-ness
transactions, bills, and receipts.
there are penalties for failing to submit VAT returns or submit-ting inaccurate
may wish to hire an accountant or bookkeeper to assist you. Vol-untary
registration Even if your business does not meet the threshold amount of
£82,000 you can voluntarily register for VAT.
The main advantage of this is the ability to
claim back the VAT for any services or goods that you buy for your
For a business to business sales, this is
mutually beneficial, how-ever, if you are mostly selling to consumers
they have no means to claim the VAT back.
Therefore, you would either need to keep your
product prices the same and reduce your profit margin
or increase your product prices.
Other benefits of voluntary VAT registration
include giving the im-pression that your business is more
successful and professional,and eliminating
the worry of costly fines for not registering in time with HMRC.
legislation If you decide to take on employees, there are many factors that
need to be considered
very carefully.
For instance, it would be wise to seek
appropriate advice to ensure that you comply with all legislation with
regards to employee issues such as pay and the
terms and conditions
their employment, discrimination, and health and safety.
Men and women are entitled to equal pay, where work is considered equal value
and includes all bonuses,
contributions and basic wages.
also have the right to ask their employers for information to check equality.
There is legislation in place to enforce the
right of employers to be paid at least the National Minimum Wage
The NMW applies regardless of the rate at which your employees are paid
(hourly, weekly, monthly, etc).
the rates are reviewed and usually changed each year, the current rates are
£6.70 for anyone aged 21
or over, £5.30 for 18-20-year olds, £3.87
for under 18s and £3.30 for apprentices.
and conditions of employment Employee legislation provides cer-tain securities
and rights for employees
but not limited to:
A reasonable notice before dismissal
The right to redundancy
The right to take time off for parenting
right to a written employment contract
The right to statutory sick pay and annual leave Discrimination In the UK, it
is illegal for an employer to
against an employee on the grounds of their:
Sex (including pregnancy)
̢ۢ Marital/Civil partnership status
Race/ nationality
Sexual orientation Employers should make any reasonable adjust-ments to prevent
discrimination in the workplace or the recruitment process. For example,
providing auditory or Braille job applications or wheelchair access.
and safety Health and safety regulations apply for any custom-ers as well as
employees, particularly in
such as food processing, hotels or accommodation, and travel operators.
As the business owner, you are responsible for
fire safety and should carry out regular safety assessments,
for emergency situations and make all employees aware of fire safety procedures
or any other health
safety procedures.
necessary, provide training as well as making sure all health and safety
information is easily accessible.
an employer, it is also your responsibility to enforce the law re-garding
Since 2007, it has been illegal to smoke in
any enclosed workspace or public building.
Fines of up to £2500 can be issued if a
business does not stop peo-ple from smoking in the workplace or up to £1000 if
they do not dis-play ‘no smoking’ signs in the workplace or any work
policies Property, Commercial Liability & Shareholder Pro-tection
Sufficient insurance is as crucial
to the success of your business as having a
good product or service.
it, you could potentially lose all the money, time and effort you have put into
your company; therefore,
will want to get insurance against any risks that could have a significant
negative impact on your business.
types and amounts will vary according to the nature of your business, but an
insurance broker will be able to discuss your re-quirements and the best
options for you.
risks you will want to insure against include fire, weather damage, theft,
employer̢۪s public liability
, and product liability. Employer̢۪s
Liability Compulsory Insurance (ELCI) and third-party motor insurance are
policies required by law.
Employer̢۪s Liability Compulsory Insurance
offers protection for any liability arising from injury or illness sustained by
employees (anyone outside your immediate family) whilst they are working for
you are required to have a minimum cover of £5 million and you could be fined
£2,500 for every day you are without cover or with the wrong policy.
In terms of commercial insurance, such as for
retail and hospitality businesses, you will also want to consider:
Public liability insurance Protection from any liabilities to a third party
(other than your employees) for bodily
or loss/damage to their property that may occur during the normal operation of
your business.
Product liability insurance Protection from any liabilities to a third party
(other than your employees) for bodily
injury or damage to their property that may
occur from the products you have sold or supplied.
insurance policies to consider include:
Property insurance If you are starting up your business and work-ing from home,
it is important to note that
your household insurance policy is unlikely to
provide cover for business liabilities.
You can consult with an insurance broker on
the best type of proper-ty cover required for buildings,
machinery and stock.
Key person insurance This offers a certain level of protection against the
financial implications of the death,
serious illness or disability of a key person,
such as managing di-rector or specialists.
And finally, one day an expert in time
management was speaking to a group of business students and,
drive home a point, used an illustration those students will never forget.
he stood in front of the group of high-powered overachievers, he said, ‘Okay,
time for a quiz̢۪
he pulled out a one-gallon wide-mouthed Mason jar
(a wide-mouthed jar often used for home
preserving and canning) and set it on the table in front of him.
he produced about a dozen fist-sized rocks and carefully placed them, one at a
time, into the jar.
When the jar was filled to the top and no more
rocks would fit in-side, he asked, ‘Is this jar full?’
Everyone in the class said, ‘Yes’. Then he
said, ‘Really?’ He reached under the table and pulled out a bucket of
gravel. Then he dumped some gravel in and shook the jar causing pieces of
gravel to work themselves down
the space between the big rocks.
he asked the group once more. ‘Is the jar full?’ By this time the class was
on to him.
‘Probably not,’ one of them answered.
‘Good!’ he replied.
reached under the table and brought out a bucket of sand. He started dumping
the sand in the jar, and it went into all the spaces left between the rocks and
the gravel. Once more he asked the ques-tion, ‘Is this jar full?’ No! The
class shouted. Once again, he said, ‘Good.’ Then he grabbed a couple of
beers and began to pour them in until the jar was filled to the brim. Then he
looked at the class and asked, ‘What is the point of this illustration?’
One eager beaver raised his hand and said, ‘The point is, no matter how full
your schedule is, if you try really hard you can always fit some more things in
it!’ ‘No,’ the speaker replied, ‘That’s not the point. The truth this
illustration teaches us is:
If you don̢۪t put the big rocks in first,
you̢۪ll never get them in at all, and there̢۪s always room in your schedule
a couple of beers!̢۪
are the ‘big rocks’ in your life? Your children, your loved ones, your
education, your dreams, a worthy cause,
or mentoring others, doing things that you love, time for yourself, your
health, your significant other.
Remember to put these BIG ROCKS in first or
you̢۪ll never get them in at all.
you sweat the little stuff (the gravel, the sand) then you̢۪ll fill your life
with little things you worry about that
really matter, and you̢۪ll never have the real quality time you need to spend
on the big, important stuff
big rocks).
So, tonight, or in the morning, when you are
reflecting on this short story, ask yourself this question:
are the ‘big rocks’ in my life? Then, put those in your jar first’.
taking the time to read this guide, we hope you have a better understanding of
some of the aspects of setting up and growing a business. Whilst this guide
contains a brief overview of some of the issues, in reality, there are other
elements you will more than like-ly want to consider, and we highly recommend
that you seek profes-sional help when you have any concerns or problems.
and running your own business requires a lot of thought, dedication, and time.
can be a very rewarding experience and a lot of fun.
you for reading We hope you found this eBook useful.
you will find some other resources that we think you̢۪ll find helpful whilst
on your business adventure.
TV - Monthly webinars from Made Simple and our partners cre-ated to provide
advice on setting up and running a successful busi-ness. Made Simple Start-up
Community - A place where start-ups sup-port start-ups!
Simple Blog - Find out about all the important developments in the business world,
with political and industry analysis to help your company grow. Company
Formation Made Simple Blog -
all the latest on company formation and start-up advice.
Office Made Simple Blog - A place to learn about virtual of-fices and how they
can help entrepreneurs.
Company Search MadeSimple Blog - Get tips and
tutorials on company searches and reporting.
Business Training MadeSimple Blog - Take part
in business training with our blog posts aimed to help companies with their
social media, SEO, content, and much more. Websites MadeSimple Blog -
tips on building a great business site, adding eCommerce, incor-porating social
media and other business website knowledge.
Don̢۪t forget to get social with us:
Connect with us and share your thoughts and
questions on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn,
Pinterest and Instagram.
more about MadeSimple Visit www.madesimplegroup.com for infor-mation on how we
help businesses start,
run and grow.
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if a member is not satisfied with the benefits, they have sub-scribed to for
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new members may have registered as a consequence of having ORU shared with them
by another existing member, the new member is under no obligation or
requirement to share ORU with anybody else.
can simply enjoy the benefits and features of the network for their own
enjoyment and consumption for as long as they are satisfied with the
the ORU Market is simple.
for your ORU Market membership on the ORU Market website or the ORU Market
iPhone / Android App and immediately you have a uni-verse of possibilities,
benefits, and tools at your fingertips.
Membership is charged at a one-time activation
registration fee of $34.34 (which includes the first month's membership and the
ORU Visa Black Card) and thereafter a small monthly membership fee of $5.95.
Once you have registered you will be issued your very own ORU Share Code. You can list products, services, stores, and
businesses in the ORU Market. You can
buy, sell, trade, or swap with all other ORU members in the world. You have secure messaging options and live
chat to communicate with your fellow Or utopians. Use ORU's Health RX benefits,
travel discounts, and many more features to enhance your life.
CARD is the ORU Visa® Prepaid Card which is included in ORU Mem-bership There
are a variety of ways to generate income for yourself facilitated by the ORU
Market. We will cover them here. As addi-tional methods become available we
will list them in this FAQ.
1: List your product in the ORU Market and sell that product to another
Member. Members can get paid with MY
FUNDS or ORUs (ORU Quantum)
2: List your service in the ORU Market and provide that ser-vice to another
Member. Members can get paid with MY
FUNDS or ORUs (ORU Quantum )
3: List your business or store in the ORU Market. Members who visit can take advantage of the
products you sell and discount. Mem-ber
customers can pay with MY FUNDS or ORUs ( ORU Quantum)
4: Become an ORU Member and earn additional incentive partici-pation rewards
each day. Get all the benefits of the ORUPAY global payment technology platform
and get the ORUCARD as a benefit to with-draw funds
ORU Market has designed a sophisticated marketing, communication and
advertising software platform that is an available benefit to all ORU
Members. Members can use this platform
within ORU to create ad-vertising and marketing messages about their products,
services, businesses, or stores. They
can select their audience based on ad-vanced demographic filters. Members can subscribe to the categories of
their choice and the advertising they want to receive. They can also select to
not receive advertising from fellow members.
Each ad-vertising campaign started by an ORU Member requires the payment
of a small advertising campaign fee. Participation in the ORU Advertising platform
is neither required nor mandatory. It's just another benefit within the ORU
Some Effective Article Marketing Tips
marketing can do a lot for your business. You just have to know a few things
and here are some tips to help you out.
Digital age.
First, you must make sure that whatever you are writing about is relevant. If
you know for a fact that your product could be especial-ly useful, then do some
research about it and then end the article with a link to your website. Before
you upload the article, check if the site you plan to put this on has this as
one of their topics.
Just like what you read in the newspaper or see on television, the article must
be both timely and newsworthy. This will allow you to stay in touch with what
is happening in the world. One good way is signing up with a site that gives
you alerts with regards to certain topics.
Some writers post one article and that is it. Just like movie pro-ducers in
Hollywood, you should post a sequel to this because there could already be new
information available which you could share with the public. 4. You should also
make your articles viral. What this simply means is allowing other people to
publish your article just as long as nothing is changed, and you are given
credit for it. Another way of doing this is offering your writing services to
others which will become added revenue for you.
Each article you write must be short and simple. It must be short so that it
will not bore the reader. Simple so that they will be able to understand the
message you are trying to convey.
Just how many articles must you write to increase traffic? The good news is
that you only need 2 to get things started. A good title will be â€Å“how to do
something†and â€Å“ x number of tips for some-thing.†If this catches their interest, that person will most like-ly
click on the link to your site and then buy something. The bottom line is that
it increases web traffic.
You can stop at just 2 articles to promote your site. If you have other
products, you can write articles on it as well and then mention them in the
resource box. This is known as cross-referencing which a lot of webmasters
allow their contributors to do.
8. Aside from posting your written work on
other websites, don̢۪t forget to also put these on your own. If you have
written 10 or more about the same topic, put these together to what is known as
an e-book, and then pass this along for free. Again, if people like what is
written there then people wouldn̢۪t remind reading it several times.
Aside from posting on websites, make use of RSS feeds. There are plenty of them
around so make use of it. There are two ways to get into article marketing. The
first is to write it yourself and just hope that people will appreciate your
writing style. The other is to hire someone to do it. Some charge by the hour
while others charge per word. It may be worth it if this increases traffic to
your site. By following these article marketing tips, it won̢۪t be long before
you get a lot of hits.
to Choose a Niche?
but the authority would be in consideration while choosing a niche. You cannot
choose any specialization unless you have immense knowledge, experience, and
significant authority. For instance, you can only start a cookery or food blog
if you are a veteran cook, chef, or someone who is trained as a chef. You
cannot be a novice in cooking and expect to run a successful food blog.
Sourcing content will only help you launch a blog and sustain it for a while.
It would be hard to run such a niche for years unless you develop expertise.
you decide which of your specializations would be put to use to decide the
niche, you must study the prevailing competition. Do not venture into any niche
that is already overpopulated. You can opt for subsets of such a niche or pick
another niche you specialize in.
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do I know if I need to lose weight?
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out your BMI with the BMI healthy weight calculator.
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best way to lose weight is to make small, realistic changes to your diet and
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tips on how to start losing weight
amount of physical activity you should do depends on your age. For example,
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Small Business Tips
from Home: 10 Tips for Ultimate Productivity
working from home knows that staying focused just might be the hardest part of
their job. Once it̢۪s time to settle into to your long workday, you find this
unforeseen burst of motivation to sudden-ly fold a month̢۪s worth of laundry
or prepare a six-course meal. Okay, maybe that is a little dramatic, however,
by the time day is over, it is apparent that you̢۪ve accomplished nearly no actual
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To Promote your Home business, You will require a Paypal
order to help you stay focused and productive, we have rounded up these 10
working from home tips that you can easily implement when making the
often-tough commute from your bed to your laptop.
Stay on schedule
you picture yourself working from home it looks something like this: Sleep in
until 11 am, get up and make a coffee, go back to bed with your laptop and
pretend to be productive until about 3 pm, all while never changing out of your
pyjamas. As blissful as this sounds, we all know it does not add up in the
productive equation – espe-cially for a person working on a solo project with
a distant dead-line. It is a wise choice to set a schedule and hold yourself
ac-countable. Are you used to working from 9 to 5? Or maybe you are more
creative in the morning and therefore starting at 7 am would be bet-ter?
the time of day that works for you, but make sure you commit to it. It̢۪s
important to put yourself in the mindset that you are working from an office by
staying strict with a time frame – as in don’t expect to bake a batch of
brownies from scratch or deep clean your oven during this time. If you have
structure, it will benefit you greatly. For example, you will know those are
your productive hours, and there is less chance you̢۪ll procrastinate.
Moreover, when you turn off your computer, it means that you are officially
done for the day (and maybe you will actually get those chores done after all,
Get dressed
if you don̢۪t plan on seeing anyone or leaving your house all day, make it a
point to put on clothes in the morning (and we̢۪re not talking about just a
dress shirt with boxers like you normally do for Skype interviews). But why?
Because getting dressed tricks your mind into thinking you are going somewhere,
hence preparing you to take on this workday full power. No, you don̢۪t need to
put on a suit and tie (unless you want to, we won̢۪t stop you), but even changing
from pyjamas to slightly more presentable sweatpants or jeans will help you
feel more put together and ready to work. Most people have a morning routine
before they go to work, don̢۪t skip that! Do your hair, put on makeup (or
maybe not), take a shower, whatever you need to do in order to feel like
you̢۪ve prepared for the day and are ready to smash your work.
on your wix website from the comfort of your bed.
Set deadlines
people who sometimes procrastinates like college seniors at finals time, we
understand how difficult it is to work on a project that is not due for months.
A good way to put the pressure on yourself to get some motivation is to make
your own deadlines. Set benchmarks along the way that will help you accomplish
something each day. Try bribing yourself with an added incentive. For example,
some let themselves eat that second brownie or even buy the new sneakers they
have been drooling over for months after finally meeting a deadline. This way
you are consistently working instead of having a stressful push right before
your project is
Have a daily plan
setting deadlines, having a plan for each day will help you stay focused and on
track. It is helpful to begin each day by writing a plan of attack. List all
the tasks you need to complete for that day. It can also help to write your
task list for the following day in the evening. This way, when you wake up the
next morning, you can get go-ing right from the get-go. Or simply set yourself
a daily goal: start creating your freelance website, finish that presentation
for the end of the week, write three social media posts, create a pitch –
what-ever you need to accomplish, commit to it.
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Log out
media can halt productivity faster than you can hit retweet. It̢۪s very
tempting to scroll through your social media feeds. But before you know it, an
hour has gone by and you are deep in the web creeping on your friend̢۪s
sister̢۪s boyfriend̢۪s cousin̢۪s In-stagram photos from 2012. So, try
logging out of all your social ac-counts during work hours. Checking social
media is a habitual compul-sion, so make it as difficult as possible for
yourself. Also, force yourself not to look your mailbox compulsively. This
study finds peo-ple check their email an average of 74 times a day – talk
about one of the utmost focus-breakers. Set yourself specific times in the
morning, afternoon and evening to check and answer your emails, so that you can
concentrate more on the actual productive work for the day ahead.
Take a break
is nothing wrong with stepping away and taking a break from your work; in fact,
it will actually enhance your focus. Approach breaks with discipline. If
you̢۪ve had a really productive hour, give yourself 5-7 minutes to make a
coffee or do some yoga. Maybe you just finished a project or sifted through
half your inbox – this is a good time to take a walk, with an exact time you
need to be back. For me, taking 15 minutes to meditate or stretch helps me take
my mind off work without getting distracted by social media or TV. Also:
don̢۪t forget to take a lunch break!
breaks are necessary when working from home
Have a dedicated workspace
a space in your home that̢۪s only for work. This doesn̢۪t have to be an
entire room or even an entire table, just one area that you use every day. This
space helps your mind know it̢۪s time to work from the moment you sit down. It
will be easier to resist the urge to do anything else around the house and
you̢۪ll accomplish more productive tasks. We know from experience that it̢۪s
best when everything is clean and organized before we start to work. For
exam-ple, making sure to get up early enough to clear the kitchen table and set
up your working area before your scheduled start time.
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Set boundaries with other people
someone who works from home, people may assume your days are flex-ible or even
free. Set boundaries with your family and friends so that within working hours
your neighbor doesn̢۪t ask you to dog sit and your friend doesn̢۪t call to
complain about her ex for 3 hours. This won̢۪t only send a signal to them, but
it will also help you respect your own working time and communicate to others
that just be-cause you̢۪re home doesn̢۪t mean that you̢۪re available.
Have social time
from home can be isolating, and it is easy to feel a little shut out from the
universe after a while, so schedule in some social time. Don̢۪t neglect the
importance of getting a drink with friends or going to your favourite yoga
class after your workday is over. Having time outside of your house and with
other people will help you fully turn work-mode off. Then, the next time you
need to tune in, it will be even easier.https://www.FunnelLeadSystem.com/600764
from home also means scheduling in social time with friends and family
Work somewhere else
have a day when you just cannot get in the groove? Change up the scenery. Step
out of your house and find a coffee shop, library, cafe or anywhere with Wi-Fi.
Leaving the house and going somewhere with the sole purpose of getting work
done will, in fact, energize you. Sometimes the only way to concentrate is to
leave your own space and get away from home distractions like Reality TV shows
and piles of dirty laundry. Surrounding yourself with the buzz and chatter of a
coffee shop can be inspiring and rejuvenating.
at the end of the day, you know yourself and when and how you work best. Use
these tips along with a little bit of self-discipline to create a schedule and
working environment that will al-low you to do your best work and conquer the
day ahead! After all, nothing feels better than having your work behind you.
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Thompson IA
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Learning & Development
for reflection This tool has been developed by the BDA as an aid to support
reflectionand is based on a framework developed by Rolfe et al.
Learning through reflection is more meaningful
if you go through a structured process.
are a number of models which aid the reflective process.
Some examples of models you might want to
look at further are:
Borton (1970), Gibbs (1998), Schon (1983)
Rolfe et el (2001).
developed a model of reflection based on three questions:
So what? ... did I need to know to help me
deal with this situation
... else could I have done?
what? ... do I do to make things better?
... will I do?
... might be the
consequences of this alternative action?
... happened?
... was I doing?
... were others doing?
Rolfe et al further developed Borton’s model
and developed a
for use in clinical practice.
Learning & Development
?December ?2020
Dairy products including milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, ice-cream,
butter, etc. are fully colonized with fungi and contain the fungus Aspergillus
ochraceus which produces the mycotoxin Ochratoxin A.
foods are also high in sugar which promotes the production of pleomorphic
bacteria, yeast, and fungus. Yogurt as long as it is made from "live"
cultures is fine to eat.
to the five short articles.
5 Short Articles about 20 reasons to Avoid
Introduction Article
article subject matter are both educational and
economically sound. They can be disseminated as five short articles or
one large article in support of information related to food.
Firstly, most of us know that food itself
cannot be considered poi-sonous. Very few of us know that pleomorphic bacteria,
yeast, and fungus and their toxins, which are characteristically present in
stored and fermented food, are using our food chain as a Trojan Horse.
The following list of foods are high in pleomorphic bacte-ria, yeast, fungus
and mold and produce mycotoxins that have been documented to cause specific
diseases and very specific organ lesions in both animals and in humans and
should never be ingested and if eaten, only in small amounts AND never cold.
of the foods listed if cooked thoroughly will kill most of the fungus. However,
refrigerating them or using them cold, you are lit-erally putting fungus into
your body.
Dr. Willett at Harvard has shown that these oils cause a 53% increase in
coronary heart disease, In September, 1998, The American Heart Association
issued a health warning to avoid foods containing these oils. Diabetes type II,
cell inflammation and auto-immune problems have been linked to these oils.
here are more than 125 research studies showing the negative health effects of
these oils.
the best diet is 80% raw, small amounts of meat proteins, steam vegetables when
cooking, use only good fats for frying and nev-er eat fruits after a meal.
should always be eaten fresh and in season on an empty stom-ach. No canned
fruits or juices.
products provide you plant-based herbal and nutritional formulas along with
independently tested and certified pure, unadulterated es-sential oils, all
guaranteed to be therapeutic.
source and purchase pristine, nutritionally rich organic and GMO-free
ingredients directly from farmers, without the interference of middle agents.
This results in the best price for you, our customer, and a fair profit for the
farmers who lovingly grow and harvest their crops.
Learning & Development
breads more learning.
#Remind, #Resurch, #Reflect. #Repeat,
Read the short article and then reflect.
Write a reflection essay.
? So what? ... did I need to know to help
me deal with this sit-uation
So what else could I have done?
? Now what? ... do I do to make things
? Now what will I do?
? Now what might be the consequences of
this alternative action?
... happened?
... was I doing?
... were others doing?
Rolfe et al further developed Borton’s model
and developed a frame-work for use in clinical practice.
Visit Hashtags.
Learning breads more learning.
#Read, #Remind,#Resurch, #Reflect.#Repeat,
Learning & Development
Short Learning Article 1.
| HBNaturals.com
Heart & Body Naturals we promise that all of our ingredients are minimally
Our herbs and grasses are processed with low-
to no-heat tempera-ture, and our essential oils are from first distillation
only, they are never adulterated or rectified.
of the foods listed if cooked thoroughly will kill most of the fungus. However,
refrigerating them or using them cold, you are lit-erally putting fungus into
your body.
Dairy products including milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, ice-cream,
butter, etc. are fully colonized with fungi and contain the fungus Aspergillus
ochraceus which produces the mycotoxin Ochratoxin A.
foods are also high in sugar which promotes the production of pleomorphic
bacteria, yeast, and fungus. Yogurt as long as it is made from "live"
cultures is fine to eat.
Most of us know that food itself cannot be
considered poisonous. Very few of us know that pleomorphic bacteria, yeast, and
fungus and their toxins, which are characteristically present in stored and
fer-mented food, are using our food chain as a Trojan Horse.
following list of foods are high in pleomorphic bacteria, yeast, fungus and
mold and produce mycotoxins that have been documented to cause specific
diseases and very specific organ lesions in both ani-mals and in humans and
should never be ingested and if eaten, only in small amounts AND never cold.
products provide you plant-based herbal and nutritional formulas along with
independently tested and certified pure, unadulterated es-sential oils, all
guaranteed to be therapeutic.
source and purchase pristine, nutritionally rich organic and GMO-free
ingredients directly from farmers, without the interference of middle agents.
This results in the best price for you, our customer, and a fair profit for the
farmers who lovingly grow and harvest their crops.
Read the short article and then reflect.
Write a reflection essay.
? So what? ... did I need to know to help
me deal with this sit-uation
So what else could I have done?
? Now what? ... do I do to make things
? Now what will I do?
? Now what might be the consequences of
this alternative action?
... happened?
... was I doing?
... were others doing?
Rolfe et al further developed Borton’s model
and developed a frame-work for use in clinical practice.
Learning & Development
learning Article 2.
| HBNaturals.com
Heart & Body Naturals we promise that all of our ingredients are minimally
Our herbs and grasses are processed with low-
to no-heat tempera-ture, and our essential oils are from first distillation
only, they are never adulterated or rectified.
of the foods listed if cooked thoroughly will kill most of the fungus. However,
refrigerating them or using them cold, you are lit-erally putting fungus into
your body.
Pig meat including sausage, bacon, salami, and ham are full of colonized fungal
and contain the fungi Aspergillus ochraceus which produces the mycotoxin
Ochratoxin A which is associated with many different documented cancers.
Tobacco contains yeasts and sugars which ferment the tobac-co into the form
which reaches the human blood and tissues causing disbiosis of the blood and
tissues leading to every degenerative dis-ease known including cancer,
diabetes, arthritis, etc.
Mushrooms are not a vegetable but rather the fruiting body of a fungus whose
major form of existence, the root-like myceli-um, is hidden in the soil. This
fruiting body is the means to dis-perse the seed-like spores of the fungus
throughout the blood and tissues.
example edible mushrooms induce bladder cancer.
Corn and all associated products contain over 25 different strains of disease
causing fungus.
products provide you plant-based herbal and nutritional formulas along with
independently tested and certified pure, unadulterated es-sential oils, all
guaranteed to be therapeutic.
source and purchase pristine, nutritionally rich organic and GMO-free
ingredients directly from farmers, without the interference of middle agents.
This results in the best price for you, our customer, and a fair profit for the
farmers who lovingly grow and harvest their crops.
Learning & Development
breads more learning.
#Remind, #Resurch, #Reflect. #Repeat,
Read the short article and then reflect.
Write a reflection essay.
? So what? ... did I need to know to help
me deal with this sit-uation
So what else could I have done?
? Now what? ... do I do to make things
? Now what will I do?
? Now what might be the consequences of
this alternative action?
... happened?
... was I doing?
... were others doing?
Rolfe et al further developed Borton’s model
and developed a frame-work for use in clinical practice.
Visit Hashtags.
Learning breads more learning.
#Read, #Remind,#Resurch, #Reflect.#Repeat,
Learning & Development
Learning Article 3.
| HBNaturals.com
Heart & Body Naturals we promise that all of our ingredients are minimally
Our herbs and grasses are processed with low-
to no-heat tempera-ture, and our essential oils are from first distillation
only, they are never adulterated or rectified.
of the foods listed if cooked thoroughly will kill most of the fungus. However,
refrigerating them or using them cold, you are lit-erally putting fungus into
your body.
Dairy products including milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, ice-cream,
butter, etc. are fully colonized with fungi and contain the fungus Aspergillus
ochraceus which produces the mycotoxin Ochratoxin A.
foods are also high in sugar which promotes the production of pleomorphic
bacteria, yeast, and fungus. Yogurt as long as it is made from "live"
cultures is fine to eat.
Peanuts, peanut butter & cashews contain over 27 different strains of
fungus. People who eat a lot of peanuts frequently end up with cancer.
Barley contains the Aspergillus ochraceus fungi, which pro-duces the mycotoxin
Ochratoxin A. This mycotoxin is associated with many different documented
Animal meat and poultry including beef, lamb, chicken, and turkey also contain
Aspergillus ochraceus. You should only eat about 2 oz. of meat once a week that
has been thoroughly cooked so that there is no "pink" meat showing.
kills most of the fungi and the body can deal with this small amount. Using
Italian dressing to marinate meat is not wise.
Alcohol including wine and especially beer contain the same fungus Aspergillus
ochraceus which produces the mycotoxin Ochratoxin A.
beer, or alcohol create toxins in the body that can cause seri-ous problems for
anyone who has cancer. It also depresses the immune system, causing more colds
and other illnesses.
products provide you plant-based herbal and nutritional formulas along with
independently tested and certified pure, unadulterated es-sential oils, all
guaranteed to be therapeutic.
source and purchase pristine, nutritionally rich organic and GMO-free
ingredients directly from farmers, without the interference of middle agents.
This results in the best price for you, our customer, and a fair profit for the
farmers who lovingly grow and harvest their crops.
Learning & Development
breads more learning.
#Remind, #Resurch, #Reflect. #Repeat,
Read the short article and then reflect.
Write a reflection essay.
? So what? ... did I need to know to help
me deal with this sit-uation
So what else could I have done?
? Now what? ... do I do to make things
? Now what will I do?
? Now what might be the consequences of
this alternative action?
... happened?
... was I doing?
... were others doing?
Rolfe et al further developed Borton’s model
and developed a frame-work for use in clinical practice.
Visit Hashtags.
Learning breads more learning.
#Read, #Remind,#Resurch, #Reflect.#Repeat,
Learning & Development
Learning Article 3.
| HBNaturals.com
Heart & Body Naturals we promise that all of our ingredients are minimally
Our herbs and grasses are processed with low-
to no-heat tempera-ture, and our essential oils are from first distillation
only, they are never adulterated or rectified.
of the foods listed if cooked thoroughly will kill most of the fungus. However,
refrigerating them or using them cold, you are lit-erally putting fungus into
your body.
Dairy products including milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, ice-cream,
butter, etc. are fully colonized with fungi and contain the fungus Aspergillus
ochraceus which produces the mycotoxin Ochratoxin A.
foods are also high in sugar which promotes the production of pleomorphic
bacteria, yeast, and fungus. Yogurt as long as it is made from "live"
cultures is fine to eat.
a matter of fact, it is "good" bacteria that actually kill the
"bad" bacteria such as yeast in the body. However, eating too much
can also have negative effects. Up to 6 ounces a day is fine.
Eggs are fully colonized with fungus and contaminated with mycotoxins. Cooking
them kills most of the bacteria and boiling eggs for salads is fine if used at
one meal, but when cooked eggs are re-frigerated, the fungus begins to multiply
stored grains and cereals are fully colonized with fungus and mycotoxins. When
someone has cancer, grains should be avoided and be sure to never eat cold
pasta salads
products provide you plant-based herbal and nutritional formulas along with
independently tested and certified pure, unadulterated es-sential oils, all
guaranteed to be therapeutic.
source and purchase pristine, nutritionally rich organic and GMO-free
ingredients directly from farmers, without the interference of middle agents.
This results in the best price for you, our customer, and a fair profit for the
farmers who lovingly grow and harvest their crops.
Learning & Development
breads more learning.
#Remind, #Resurch, #Reflect. #Repeat,
Read the short article and then reflect.
Write a reflection essay.
? So what? ... did I need to know to help
me deal with this sit-uation
So what else could I have done?
? Now what? ... do I do to make things
? Now what will I do?
? Now what might be the consequences of
this alternative action?
... happened?
... was I doing?
... were others doing?
Rolfe et al further developed Borton’s model
and developed a frame-work for use in clinical practice.
Visit Hashtags.
Learning breads more learning.
#Read, #Remind,#Resurch, #Reflect.#Repeat,
Learning & Development
Learning Article 4.
| HBNaturals.com
Heart & Body Naturals we promise that all of our ingredients are minimally
Our herbs and grasses are processed with low-
to no-heat tempera-ture, and our essential oils are from first distillation
only, they are never adulterated or rectified.
of the foods listed if cooked thoroughly will kill most of the fungus. However,
refrigerating them or using them cold, you are lit-erally putting fungus into
your body.
Stored potatoes are fully colonized with fungus and contami-nated with
mycotoxins. Baking kills most of the fungus and a baked potato is actually
healthy to eat, low in fat and the glycemic index. However, if you pile up the
butter and sour cream on a baked potato you are defeating the purpose.
potatoes and yams are even better, but again, cook them, boiled or baked, but
do not eat them raw or store them after cooking for this will begin the fungus
breeding process.
Sugar including honey, maple syrup, corn syrup, high fruc-tose corn syrup,
sucrose, rice syrup, barley malt etc. promotes the growth of pleomorphic
bacteria, yeast, fungus, and mold, and sup-presses the immune system response
for up to five hours.
should avoid all fruit juices containing corn syrup as the sweet-ener.
Vinegar or apple cider vinegar acidifies the blood and tissues which promotes
the production of bacteria, yeast, fungus, and mold. Mixing apple cider with
baking soda will neutralize the acid and may be beneficial.
Apple cider vinegar used in very small
amounts, 2-3 teaspoons on salads will kill any type of bacteria on the lettuce
will not be harmful and will actually be healthful to the body.
using vinegar to flavor meats or soups. (There are two argu-ments to apple
cider vinegar; especially if it is organic like Braggs brand. Thousands swear
by its health benefits and others say that it helps to alkalinize the blood,
not acidify it.
things, like lemon and lime for example start out acid but actu-ally convert to
alkaline ash and they end up alkalinizing the body.)
Finally, yeast
in any form including Brewer's Yeast. Cancer is an overgrowth of yeast colonies
and yeast should therefore be avoided.
products provide you plant-based herbal and nutritional formulas along with
independently tested and certified pure, unadulterated es-sential oils, all
guaranteed to be therapeutic.
source and purchase pristine, nutritionally rich organic and GMO-free
ingredients directly from farmers, without the interference of middle agents.
This results in the best price for you, our customer, and a fair profit for the
farmers who lovingly grow and harvest their crops.
Learning & Development
bread's more learning.
#Remind, #Resurch, #Reflect. #Repeat,
Read the short article and then reflect.
Write a reflection essay.
? So what? ... did I need to know to help
me deal with this sit-uation
So what else could I have done?
? Now what? ... do I do to make things
? Now what will I do?
? Now what might be the consequences of
this alternative action?
... happened?
... was I doing?
... were others doing?
Rolfe et al further developed Borton’s model
and developed a frame-work for use in clinical practice.
Visit Hashtags.
Learning breads more learning.
#Read, #Remind,#Resurch, #Reflect.#Repeat,
Learning & Development
Learning Articles 5.
| HBNaturals.com
Heart & Body Naturals we promise that all of our ingredients are minimally
Our herbs and grasses are processed with low-
to no-heat tempera-ture, and our essential oils are from first distillation
only, they are never adulterated or rectified.
of the foods listed if cooked thoroughly will kill most of the fungus. However,
refrigerating them or using them cold, you are lit-erally putting fungus into
your body.
Caffeine in any form acidifies the blood and tissues which promotes the
production of pleomorphic baceast, fungus and mold.
small amounts of caffeine in tea or coffee is good for the body and the immune
system can deal with this. When you drink more than 2 cups of coffee a day, you
are exposing yourself to large amounts of the fungus and the coffee should be
black, without sugar or other sweeteners.
High fructose fruits acidify the blood and tissues and feed the production of
pleomorphic bacteria, yeast, fungus, and mold.
For example, apple juice is contaminated with
the carcinogenic myco-toxin Patulin, which is derived from the fungus and is
associated with stomach cancer.
strongly suggest not drinking apple juice. Even though juices are pasteurized,
heated to kill bacteria and most fungus, ap-ple juice has the highest
capability of breeding more of the fungus as it sits on the shelf.
the juices that contain the least amount of fungus after sitting are cranberry,
(very good for keeping urinary tract and kid-neys infections down) papaya,
white or red grape and pineapple. Or-ange juice is fine if freshly squeezed.
Avoid juices made from con-centrate.
fish contains the Aspergillus fungus and the extracts from the dried fish
contains large amounts of aflatoxin. Eating raw fish such as in sushi is
have been deaths caused from eating raw fish. Never eat cold or refrigerated
fish. Anchovies are loaded with the fungus as well as most canned fish meats.
Tuna is fine because it has low fungus which the
body can deal with in small amounts. Eating tuna packed in water is the best;
however limit the amount to less than 4 ounces a day and be aware that tuna and
other types of fishes are known to carry mercury, PCB's and other contaminants.
eat farm raised fish like salmon or trout. Farm raised fish are loaded with
bacteria due to the small areas they are raised in and are often fed hormones
to make them grow faster.
salt (processed white store bought salt) changes the negative charge on the
blood cells causing them to stack or com-bine into symplasts, which can lead to
oxygen deprivation, conges-tion, poor circulation, stroke, and/or heart attack.
Natural, mined salt like Himalayan or Real Salt is nec-essary for good health
and does not raise blood pressure. (See Salt)
products provide you plant-based herbal and nutritional formulas along with
independently tested and certified pure, unadulterated es-sential oils, all
guaranteed to be therapeutic.
source and purchase pristine, nutritionally rich organic and GMO-free
ingredients directly from farmers, without the interference of middle agents.
This results in the best price for you, our customer, and a fair profit for the
farmers who lovingly grow and harvest their crops.
Learning & Development
breads more learning.
#Remind, #Resurch, #Reflect. #Repeat,
Read the short article and then reflect.
Write a reflection essay.
? So what? ... did I need to know to help
me deal with this sit-uation
So what else could I have done?
? Now what? ... do I do to make things
? Now what will I do?
? Now what might be the consequences of
this alternative action?
... happened?
... was I doing?
... were others doing?
Rolfe et al further developed Borton’s model
and developed a frame-work for use in clinical practice.
Visit Hashtags.
Learning breads more learning.
#Read, #Remind,#Resurch, #Reflect.#Repeat,
Learning & Development
| HBNaturals.com
Heart & Body Naturals we promise that all of our ingredients are minimally
Our herbs and grasses are processed with low-
to no-heat tempera-ture, and our essential oils are from first distillation
only, they are never adulterated or rectified.
of the foods listed if cooked thoroughly will kill most of the fungus. However,
refrigerating them or using them cold, you are lit-erally putting fungus into
your body.
Dairy products including milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, ice-cream,
butter, etc. are fully colonized with fungi and contain the fungus Aspergillus
ochraceus which produces the mycotoxin Ochratoxin A.
foods are also high in sugar which promotes the production of pleomorphic
bacteria, yeast, and fungus. Yogurt as long as it is made from "live"
cultures is fine to eat.
Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils as in marga-rine, shortenings and
vegetable oils are altered fat substances which are known to be detrimental to
health because they interfere with normal biochemical processes.
Furthermore, These oils have been shown to
increase cholesterol, de-crease beneficial high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
interfere with the liver's detoxification system, and interfere with essential
fatty ac-id function.
Wine, beer, or alcohol create toxins in the body that can cause serious
problems for anyone who has cancer. It also depresses the immune system,
causing more colds and other illnesses.
products provide you plant-based herbal and nutritional formulas along with
independently tested and certified pure, unadulterated es-sential oils, all
guaranteed to be therapeutic.
source and purchase pristine, nutritionally rich organic and GMO-free
ingredients directly from farmers, without the interference of middle agents.
This results in the best price for you, our customer, and a fair profit for the
farmers who lovingly grow and harvest their crops.
products provide you plant-based herbal and nutritional formulas along with
independently tested and certified pure, unadulterated es-sential oils, all
guaranteed to be therapeutic.
source and purchase pristine, nutritionally rich organic and GMO-free
ingredients directly from farmers, without the interference of middle agents.
This results in the best price for you, our customer, and a fair profit for the
farmers who lovingly grow and harvest their crops.
Learning & Development
UP Promotion
Dairy products including milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, ice-cream,
butter, etc. are fully colonized with fungi and contain the fungus Aspergillus
ochraceus which produces the mycotoxin Ochratoxin A.
foods are also high in sugar which promotes the production of pleomorphic
bacteria, yeast, and fungus. Yogurt as long as it is made from "live"
cultures is fine to eat.
Heart & Body Naturals we promise that all of our ingredients are minimally
Our herbs and grasses are processed with low-
to no-heat tempera-ture, and our essential oils are from first distillation
only, they are never adulterated or rectified.
of the foods listed if cooked thoroughly will kill most of the fungus. However,
refrigerating them or using them cold, you are lit-erally putting fungus into
your body.
source and purchase pristine, nutritionally rich organic and GMO-free
ingredients directly from farmers, without the interference of middle agents.
This results in the best price for you, our customer, and a fair profit for the
farmers who lovingly grow and harvest their crops.
Learning & Development
breads more learning.
#Remind, #Resurch, #Reflect. #Repeat,
Read the short article and then reflect.
Write a reflection essay.
? So what? ... did I need to know to help
me deal with this sit-uation
So what else could I have done?
? Now what? ... do I do to make things
? Now what will I do?
? Now what might be the consequences of
this alternative action?
... happened?
... was I doing?
... were others doing?
Rolfe et al further developed Borton’s model
and developed a frame-work for use in clinical practice.
Visit Hashtags.
Learning breads more learning.
#Read, #Remind,#Resurch, #Reflect.#Repeat,
Learning & Development
| HBNaturals.com
Heart & Body Naturals we promise that all of our ingredients are minimally
Our herbs and grasses are processed with low-
to no-heat tempera-ture, and our essential oils are from first distillation
only, they are never adulterated or rectified.
of the foods listed if cooked thoroughly will kill most of the fungus. However,
refrigerating them or using them cold, you are lit-erally putting fungus into
your body.
products provide you plant-based herbal and nutritional formulas along with
independently tested and certified pure, unadulterated es-sential oils, all
guaranteed to be therapeutic.
source and purchase pristine, nutritionally rich organic and GMO-free
ingredients directly from farmers, without the interference of middle agents.
This results in the best price for you, our customer, and a fair profit for the
farmers who lovingly grow and harvest their crops.
Learning & Development
breads more learning.
#Remind, #Resurch, #Reflect. #Repeat,
Read the short article and then reflect.
Write a reflection essay.
? So what? ... did I need to know to help
me deal with this sit-uation
So what else could I have done?
? Now what? ... do I do to make things
? Now what will I do?
? Now what might be the consequences of
this alternative action?
... happened?
... was I doing?
... were others doing?
Rolfe et al further developed Borton’s model
and developed a frame-work for use in clinical practice.
Visit Hashtags.
Learning breads more learning.
#Read, #Remind,#Resurch, #Reflect.#Repeat,
We Help
Forces & Veterans
forces and veterans face daily challenges, trauma and long term post-traumatic
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mental health and wellbeing of serving and retired members of the armed
services are of great concern. Military personnel faces daily challenges,
trauma, and long-term post-traumatic stress. They need to be resilient and
equipped with the skills to increase their own inner resources, coping, and
research suggests that the true rate of veterans with mental health conditions
could be as high as 10% and that the focus on men-tal health and the Armed
Forces should also extend to the families of both serving personnel and veterans,
with emerging evidence that their mental health also can be affected by the
stresses of Service life and the traumatic events experienced by their military
partners (House of Commons Defence Committee Mental Health and the Armed
Forc-es, Part One: The Scale of mental health issues Eleventh Report of Session
had PTSD and the skills helped me to manage my distress so I could benefit from
individual therapy. Tom
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Success, Paul Thompson
Over Your Work Regularly
memories work in two ways: short-term and long-term.
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Teaching Tips: Reflective Writing